Lost drive

25 Apr 2006
Sorry if this has been answered before, I have checked to see. But I have 2 hds a maxtor which is primary and a 120gb wd which is slave. I can only see the maxtor in my computer, I don't know why. I have downloaded WD diagnostics which found both drives and said they were ok. Any ideas please
Hi. Its not a new disk. I removed it when my 3rd drive packed up today.
My set up was

1. WD 80b
2. WD 250b
3. 120 gb on a seperate ide pci card.

The 250gb which just has movies mp3's etc on wasnt in my computer. So I tried it in my daughters pc...nothing.

I came back to my pc restarted and couldnt find the 120gb which has all my inportant stff on. I then tried that in my daughters and it recognised new hardware but wasnt in my computer.

I came back to mine downloaded WDdiag? and it said both my 80gb and 120gb were okay did a quick test and it was all ticks.

In device manager it names both drives.
xirokx said:
is the WD sata?

Although its being detected and is healthy I am not 100% sure why its not being detected, I can only guess its something to do with the way it has been setup...

Has it ever been working fine? Or is it just recently its not being detected??

Is it detected in the BIOS?

Are you saying you cant see it when you go to "my computer"

I just had a thought! When I had problems with my 250gb drive I downloaded wddiag tool, that told me to disable or remove Norton Goback. I thought I had deleted it via add or remove. Could this be causing the problem? It worked fine up until this morning. Then I lost it in my computer
GOT IT!!! Just reinstalled Goback and restarted pc it ran a diskchk thing on E:, which was my important disk and its now back. Si it was Goback that was at fault. Perhaps my 250gb will work now. Fingers crossed and thanks to all of you for your help and time. Brilliant forum!!!
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