lost drive?

12 Aug 2003
hi guys i had 2 hd,s in pc c/d i had probs with c and changed it to a new drive ,loaded windows on c butin the process cleared the d drive of old work . havebooted ok into windows but no 2nd drive ,cant see it in my computer but can in devise manager ,the c drive is master and the d is slave ,how do i get it back :confused: by the way it is a maxtor drive
Go into Disk Management (right click on My Computer and pick Manage, then pick disk management from the list on the left. You'll get a view of all the attached disks in the right hand pane, your second disk (labelled as disk 1)will probably show up as empty space. Right click in the space and create a new partition, format it as NTFS (quick format is fine) and that should be you. You may have to reassign drive letters (still in disk management) as your CD drive may have stolen d:.

Oh and give your keyboard a quick check, it looks like the space, shift and full stop keys may not be working correctly ;)
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