Lost hard drive space

15 Aug 2005
Need help here please people!

I recently installed a new WD 250GB hard drive. All I put on it was my OS (SP2'd up) and Counter Strike. I also formatted my other drive at the same time and now only use that for a few apps and mp3s etc.

I had a few probs installing windows so had to format both drives a number of times. As you can see from the pic my drive with OS and CSS now only has 118Gb free, meaning i have 'lost' the best part of 100GB.

I did move files between the two drives when formatting.


I've shown hidden files in folder options (nothing unusual there) and defragged, ran ccleaner on recycle bin.

Anyone know how I can get this space back?

I cannot see what you have a problem with. Your second HDD has a 128GB partition with the remaining 58gb unpartitioned. Either create a partition (E) with the remaining space or delete D (after copying the data over) and partition the whole disk as a single extended drive.

Re-read your post - to find where your 118gb of data on C is just click on properties until you find the one with a shed load of data. Then do the same for any sub-directories. If you have XP MCE then it probably be recorded tv. Do a search for 'recorded tv'
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Dont have a tv card.

I've gone through every single folder on C and there are none with large amounts of data.

I'll probably format and install windows AGAIN. But I'll be pretty hacked off if it doesn't sort it.
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