Lost sound in Bioshock?

Man of Honour
18 Oct 2002
West Coast of Scotland
Got a bit of a weird problem here - I recently used auto update in Vista to install some new Realtek drivers for my onboard sound and it would appear that since that point I have lost the game sound in Bioshock. The menu sound works fine, it's just within the game. I can't understand it - sounds are working perfectly well in TF2 and Red Orchestra, and within windows too.

I can't rollback the drivers, (menu is not available) and I have tried installing the original drivers, to no avail.

One point of interest, in Bioshock, the EAX menu is not available to select - on or off, is this correct?

Edit, ps. Can someone recommend a nice good quality EAX soundcard?
Got a bit of a weird problem here - I recently used auto update in Vista to install some new Realtek drivers for my onboard sound and it would appear that since that point I have lost the game sound in Bioshock. The menu sound works fine, it's just within the game. I can't understand it - sounds are working perfectly well in TF2 and Red Orchestra, and within windows too.

I can't rollback the drivers, (menu is not available) and I have tried installing the original drivers, to no avail.

One point of interest, in Bioshock, the EAX menu is not available to select - on or off, is this correct?

Edit, ps. Can someone recommend a nice good quality EAX soundcard?

Asus Xonar DX ;)
It worked for you before didn't it? Hence the problem can probably be fixed if you don't want to spend money.

New drivers you say? Try downloading the OpenAL installer for Windows from here. (not just for Creative cards) http://connect.creativelabs.com/developer/default.aspx

If you have Realtek 3D Soundback installed make sure Bioshock is not one of the games included.

The sound forum is getting ridiculous. The solution to every problem seems to be buy a Xonar (worked for me though. ;) ) or an HD555! (Edit: apologies - didn't notice his request. Xonar DX seconded).

Further Edit: You might want to try this too :http://support.take2games.com/cgi-b...2VhcmNoX3RleHQ9cmVhbHRlaw**&p_li=&p_topview=1
- Enable Stereo mixing, to do this browse to Start > Control Panel > Sound (in classic view). Once done switch to the Recording tab which will show the currently active inputs on your system (e.g. Line in, Microphone). Right click in the clear space below these devices and select the option for Show disabled devices. This should show an additional device called Stereo mixing, right click on this device and select Enable.
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Okay tried the OpenAL thing - installs but hasn't made any difference.
I haven't got Soundback installed, only Realtek HD Audio Manager according to the control panel.

There are two entries in the device manager for my sound card - there is a High Def Audio Device and the Realtek Hi Def Audio Device - why?

Bioshock was working fine in XP Pro - I haven't had it working properly in Vista.
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