'Lost' to come to an end...

Mephisto said:
I'm paying for a Sky subscription, and this tripe is filling slots on various channels when something a hell of a lot better could be on.

haha! I hate Lost, but there's FAR worse crap on Sky than that! Try channel surfing on a saturday evening and tell me Lost is the worst thing on Sky
Why does everyone keep moaning about answers to things all the time. Personally it what makes the show interesting and gives some excitement to each episode. I must admit another 3 years sounds like a bad idea to me, but hey as long as Kate is still in it who cares :D
brocksta said:
Why does everyone keep moaning about answers to things all the time. Personally it what makes the show interesting and gives some excitement to each episode. I must admit another 3 years sounds like a bad idea to me, but hey as long as Kate is still in it who cares :D

I was hoping Nikki would be in it more and they only went and .......you know ¬.¬. Kate's still fine too.
brocksta said:
Why does everyone keep moaning about answers to things all the time. Personally it what makes the show interesting and gives some excitement to each episode. I must admit another 3 years sounds like a bad idea to me, but hey as long as Kate is still in it who cares :D

If they kill Kate off, im not watching it anymore.

As im sure there will be spoilers on the net soon.
They always bang on about the 'story arc', we are clearly about to hit the apex of this at the end of S3. My hypothesis is that all the mysteries posed in the last 3 seasons will gradually be answered in the next three.

The big things like the three toed statue, the link between Dharma and the others, Michael and Walt, Penny Whidmore, will all be gradually explained. I'm still at a loss as to how they will end it though, do they get off the island? Maybe they realise they're better off staying? Who knows? Personally, I love it.
I've been waiting so long for certain answers that i have now forgotten what it was i wanted the answer to in the first place. :confused:

Still watch it tho.
I stopped watching Lost when it switched to Sky, since I don't actually have Sky. I'm not too bothered, to be honest, I've forgotten most of the storyline etc. I might get back into it when they start putting the more recent series' out on DVD at cheap prices (which will be a hell of a long time away, methinks) or if I get Sky (doubt it) but it's not worth watching. Even on C4, the adverts made it impossible to enjoy. I mean, they had ad breaks before the intro credits had finished! I counted on more than one occasion that the first ad break came in less than 3 minutes after the episode started!
Mephisto said:
Agreed. It's an absolute load of tripe to be honest.

I gave up on it ages ago as i hate stories which continually leave you hanging in mid air. I hope the ending is clever, but get the feeling it will be a huge dissapointment.
Elitejungalist said:
If they kill Kate off, im not watching it anymore.

As im sure there will be spoilers on the net soon.
Pah. They're too busy filming sex scenes with her all the time to think about killing her off! :D
Tried&Tested said:
Season one - AMAZING.

Everything following - rubbish.

What a waste of such a great, original, idea.
I respect that opinion only if you have actually seen all of the episodes.

If you just ditched it at one of the points where it got a bit slow and boring (of which there have been a few I do admit) then you can't really make a statement like that.
I watch it out of habit more than actually enjoying it.

I'm only really interested in finding out about the black 'smoke'

For me each episode always leaves me feeling a little cheated.
I thought season 1 was the weakest season, I've been loving season 2 and 3.

16 episodes a season seems really poor but hopefully they will be able to take out some of the filler now.
Hostile17 said:
I thought season 1 was the weakest season, I've been loving season 2 and 3.

16 episodes a season seems really poor but hopefully they will be able to take out some of the filler now.

I think 16 episodes will be better for that very reason, faster pacing and less filler. :)
Season 2's middle was the most horrendously boring thing ever.

Season 2 Number 19, that Rose and Bernard one, had me really wanting to hurt somebody because I was so bored.

3x21 was good though (America last night). :)
People who just watched the 1st series and dismissed it without watching every episode..

dont know good tv..

Lost has been awesome right through to episode 21 of series 3. It can make you really imagine great theories and it has a real depth to every character (bar some, granted:p )

Desmonds "time travel" episode has got to have been one of the best of Lost so far... it really let you wonder and think off in tangants.

Great show and glad they aren't going to draw it out for 10seasons mind, 2010 sounds right and will keep it compelling til the end.
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