LOTR newbie question

15 Jul 2007
South West
Hi ive just installed LOTR (shadows of Angmar) and then updated patches etc.

can someone please explain to me about the other lotr expansions packs?

Im assuming what i have installed SOA is the first title like the first wow?

Mines Of Moria, Siege of Mirkwood are the expansions do i have to level up to use the features like the wow expansion with TBC and WOTLK?

In other words do i need to download the 2 other expansions or wait till i hit a certain levels etc
Thanks guys,hope this will leave up to its name,im currently playing wow which i love however i have played:

Aion/Star trek Online/Age Of Conan which have all failed in my eyes.
very strange this:

When i play the game in DX10 mode i get stuttering ive sat here for a good 1hr and whatever settings i use stuttering lag is present.
When Vsync/Tbuffering is turned on stuttering is pretty bad when its off,game is pretty smooth but stuttering is still present
Ive also used D3D Overrider to no avail

I then fired up DX9 mode (which by the way hardly looks any worse than DX10?)
I can enable Vsync Tbuffering and i can max out the settings and the stuttering is gone,very stange and dont understand this.
Only think i can think of is the DX10 shadows etc messes the game up but im sure there are thousands of players that use DX10 without any issues.

Overall i cant see any benefits running DX10 over DX9

Maybe because i have a new Video card (GTX 470) the drivers are the fault
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