Love and miss single player DOOM?

30 Mar 2016
East Lothian
Check out Hard Reset. Similar fast paced over the top FPS action only against machines instead of demons. Really good fun and only a tenner on Steam...
Brutal doom is also great with free doom phase 1 & 2. I am currently playing free doom phase 2, now on level 24 and its getting so hard but still fantastic. So much more work went in to level design, atmosphere and music back then. Constantly keeps you on edge and on the very verge of running out of ammo or health, just when you think you are safe a Cyberdemon appears or there is a dodgy trap where you end up surrounded by explosive barrels or something

I am playing with the freedom.wad and none of the daft looking weapons or enemies but slightly imroved graphics and chunky sounds :)

I have downloaded Hard reset demo so will give it a bash tomorrow. Cheers
For any of you guys who have played Hard Reset, can anyone explain the radar upgrade thing? I upgraded a couple of them but I can't see where in the HUD I'm supposed to be able to detect the enemies?
^ Its weird, sure Doom 2016 looks great and also has good gameplay but it still doesn't give me the same feeling as Doom 1 or 2 (or the free doom episodes) or Quake 1.

There's just something a bit special missing, like really not wanting to collect health that's in the middle of a room or press a certain button on a wall as you know that something bad will happen... only for nothing to happen. You then think you are all good and a room suddenly fills into a death trap.

Its the general 'feel' of the games that is better, maybe level design and music also played a big part. Its like some new games are great and were created by people who worked for money but games of the 90s were created by developers who initially did it for the love - and it shows greatly in the games created - at least for me
Nice, is it brutal doom 64? Thats the latest thing I could find on the channel and page thats currently in Alpha.

I was playing Brutal doom (v0.9) and Free Doom phase 2 yesterday and there was a part on map 23 where there are 2 corridors of at least 200 enemies. My FPS dropped from 100 to about 20 at one point ([email protected], GTX980Ti) Got to love vast amounts of stuff going on to cripple modern hardware. Reminded meof this :D

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