Love getting a new gfx card

I'd love to upgrade mine then give her my Barton 3000 (think she has an athlon 2200) but i dont think she'd approve lol.
peterattheboro said:
I think he means that by not max settings is that your not running it at 1280x1024/1600x1200.

Running at 1024x768 kinda defeats the object.
not if you have a 17" monitor :o
Phalanx said:
I consider max settings when you have everything turned on :rolleyes:

The only settings I don't have on are AA and soft shadows

Even by your definition then, you aren't playing on max settings, because you have some options disabled :)

Moving back on topic, one of the stranger things I tend to do after upgrading my PC is to fire up Motorhead (a 1998 racing game) which has been on my games HD(s) for years, can't be bothered to delete it because it's only 80meg or something like that. Running timedemos with everything on max, 8xAA 16xAF etc to see how it runs :) Quake3 is another one I keep installed for a quick test.

I don't tend to revisit games much after upgrading, although I have done with Far Cry (fantastic engine... only had a P4-2.7/9800pro the first time around) and also Need for Speed - Porsche 2000 in recent times. However I do like playing older games that I didn't get a chance to at the time.... recently I completed NOLF2, and currently I'm playing Star Trek: Elite Force 2 (1600x1200 with all the bells and whistles on).
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