Love or hate foods

17 Aug 2009
Finchley, London
There are certain edibles that people either really like or really dislike, nothing in between. I seem to be one of those people that loves most of those things that others
wretch at the thought of. What are your loves and hates?

Me personally,

I love brussels sprouts.
I love marmite.
I love broccoli.
I adore rice, sago, tapioca and semolina pudding.
I worship the feet of marzipan.

Only thing I can think of that I once had and didn't like was sweet potato.
Oh and I don't like parsnips.
There are only really two things I have an intense dislike for. Can't stand bell/sweet peppers, even the smell of them makes me heave. I can't eat anything they're in, even if it's something where they're 1% of the ingredients on the packet. Which is weird because I adore chilies and can eat them raw. Marmite is the other, can't stand it - it's what I imagine the scrapings from a dead tramp's arse would taste like.

Cabbage, absolutely love the stuff. Could eat it all day, every day.
Cauliflower, another veg. I could quite happily eat all the time.
I'm with you on marzipan, adore it. Have your tried shoving an almond into a date or wrapping a date in marzipan? Hell, shove an almond in there and wrap that with marzipan.
There are only really two things I have an intense dislike for. Can't stand bell/sweet peppers, even the smell of them makes me heave. I can't eat anything they're in, even if it's something where they're 1% of the ingredients on the packet. Which is weird because I adore chilies and can eat them raw. Marmite is the other, can't stand it - it's what I imagine the scrapings from a dead tramp's arse would taste like.

Cabbage, absolutely love the stuff. Could eat it all day, every day.
Cauliflower, another veg. I could quite happily eat all the time.
I'm with you on marzipan, adore it. Have your tried shoving an almond into a date or wrapping a date in marzipan? Hell, shove an almond in there and wrap that with marzipan.

No but it's on my bucket list. :)

I love cabbage and cauliflower too. Particularly cabbage. Sometimes I prefer savoy or sweetheart and sometimes just plain white cabbage. Not so keen on red cabbage unless it's pickled.

"the scrapings from a dead tramp's arse" :(:D
I am not a fan of most things ' hot cheese or cheese sauce based' and used to tell people I didn't like cheese, although as I eat pizza, and would happily carve massive slices of cheshire,wensleydale,mild cheddar,Mexicana (oh wow!) boursin cheese out of the fridge cold and eat them etc I was exposed as a fake-cheese hater, although I have never tried lasagne as I don't think i'd like it...Gonna have to try it though!

MacnCheese/Cauliflower Cheese etc can all do one though!

Other than that, eat pretty much everything else, all herbs/spices/fruit/veg/salads/meats/fish etc not a single dislike there
Very few things I hate, though marzipan and mincemeat (fruit) would be on list.

Love parsnips and sweet potato if roasted, when boiled they can be rank.

With regards to controversial things I love anchovies in most forms, including eating straight from tin.
Marmite is good as a base spread on toast and then a lashing of baked beans on top.
Also good as a base on toast and then slices of cheese on top. :cool:
Wouldn’t say ‘hate’ but dislike mushrooms - it’s a texture thing.
HP sauce - big fan of that, big fan and black pepper. My god I love it.
Wholegrain mustard as well adore it, it’s beautiful.
Tomatoes, now there’s a weird one, they look so good and succulent that I want to love them, but I’ve really tried and they just taste kind of acidic, just can’t eat them, but if they’re cooked in a meal, like some Indian dishes, I have no problem with them.
I like shellfish, crab, lobster, prawns, crawfish, clams, and also scallops and octopus, but I couldn’t see myself pouring oysters down my throat, and whelks don’t appeal either.
I used to love cockles, drowned in vinegar, until one day a fishmonger told me that they live on the sea bed, eating ****, (rhymes with bit).
He probably meant that they eat rubbish, but it was too late, the seed had been planted.
I can’t stand offal, liver, kidneys, tripe etc.
When I was around 9 or 10, I had school dinners as my mother was working in a factory, and one day the teacher/supervisor at lunchtime tried to force me to eat liver.
I wouldn’t have it and walked out of school and went home, telling my mother about it when she came in from work.
She took a morning off work, went to the school and cleaned the teacher’s clock.
Never again was I “leaned on” at school to eat something that I didn’t like.
I love brussels sprouts.
I love marmite.
I love broccoli.
I adore rice, sago, tapioca and semolina pudding.
I worship the feet of marzipan.

Only thing I can think of that I once had and didn't like was sweet potato.
Oh and I don't like parsnips.


Lychees are the worst.
I like shellfish, crab, lobster, prawns, crawfish
I used to love cockles, drowned in vinegar, until one day a fishmonger told me that they live on the sea bed, eating ****, (rhymes with bit).
Don't want to put you off prawns as well, but they are basically cockroaches of the sea. Absolutely love them though.
I've never tried anything I hated. Worst was sheep brains in France. Didn't taste horrible, just not great.

My mother used to poach smoked haddock in milk and then make parsley sauce with the milk. Always ate it, but as a kid never enjoyed it.

Fave foods, love scallops, pork belly, slow cooked stuff like lamb shanks and oxtail. Mmmmm, food.
I've never tried anything I hated. Worst was sheep brains in France. Didn't taste horrible, just not great.

My mother used to poach smoked haddock in milk and then make parsley sauce with the milk. Always ate it, but as a kid never enjoyed it.

Fave foods, love scallops, pork belly, slow cooked stuff like lamb shanks and oxtail. Mmmmm, food.

Many moons ago, we were in Toulouse, visiting a relative of mine, and were invited to dinner.
Prior to the main meal there were chunks of bread, and various spreads around the table.
My girlfriend, (we weren’t married then), who couldn’t speak French, asked me what a certain dish was.
I pointed to it and said to my cousin’s wife, “Sylvie, qu’est-ce que c'est ça?”
Sylvie replied, “Cervelle de veau”, (calves brains).
I said to my girl, “It’s a local dish, it’s like fish roe.”
She tried it, but said that she didn’t like it much.
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