Lovecraft Country

It felt like there was a big chunk missing between the dinner and them being in the tower. So much so that I had it on record twice (2am and 9pm ones for some reason) and went to the other recording to see if anything was missing. It was mostly good but felt like the whole house thing was over really quick with very little explanation really.
2nd episode was OK but pacing seemed all over the place and definitely not going down a more traditional Lovecraft route (though that was fairly apparent anyway).
2nd episode was OK but pacing seemed all over the place and definitely not going down a more traditional Lovecraft route (though that was fairly apparent anyway).

Thought the same thing. Found the storytelling quite disjointed and definitely pacing was off.
It felt like there was a big chunk missing between the dinner and them being in the tower. So much so that I had it on record twice (2am and 9pm ones for some reason) and went to the other recording to see if anything was missing. It was mostly good but felt like the whole house thing was over really quick with very little explanation really.

Definitely! Was jarring to say the least and was pretty poor i think. Bizarre.
series seems okay so far imo and I'm willing to give it a chance for a few more eps but without the ability to just binge them all in one go I suspect I might just end up forgetting about it.
I've just watched the third episode.

While I enjoyed the first I found it a bit too in your face, as mentioned I could have done without the creature-feature. The second episode was disjointed and overly blunt, the third again lacked any subtly and I found it a bit too much 'in your face' for what I hoped would be slow burn cosmic horror.

I'll give it one more episode but I fully expect I'll be dropping it at this rate.

It's a shame as the acting and set pieces are really good, the music does a great job of setting the tone most of the time, I'm just struggling with the plot and how ham-fisted it feels.
Third was pretty awful really. Doubt I'll continue to watch, shame it had a lot of promise :(

As above it's so disjointed, no real story to it.
for what I hoped would be slow burn cosmic horror.

To be fair they were fairly upfront that it wouldn't be a slow burning cosmic horror - but I was hoping it would be less in your face and creature feature than it is. There is some underlying story going on but the pacing and chaining of events is awful.
Last week was Amityville, this week is Indiana Jones. Wonder what delights this sporadic and incoherent series has in store for us on the next episode.
I had a feeling this wouldn’t work, not going to start it after reading the comments.

Shame, could have just made a good Lovecraft series and played it straight.
I didn't hate episode 3 but it could have been a lot better. Shame it is so sporadic and incoherent as aptly put above because there are some solid elements to it and the underlying story is somewhat interesting. When it dips into more straight up Lovecraft it does so much better but it just keeps trying to be something else.
To be fair they were fairly upfront that it wouldn't be a slow burning cosmic horror - but I was hoping it would be less in your face and creature feature than it is. There is some underlying story going on but the pacing and chaining of events is awful.

That's fair enough, in honesty I avoided looking too closely into things leading up to launch as there was a little bit of drama around it and I felt it was better to go in blind.

I've just watched episode 4 and as I mentioned in my last post I'm going to drop the show.

Somebody else mentioned that there seems to be an unconnected theme every week, this week definitely did have an Indiana Jones vibe about it and frankly it came across as cheap. There's supposed to be an overarching story but it seems to be a background thing to what feels more like an anthology show, it lacks coherence and is about as subtle as a brick through your bedroom window. It's almost as though they paid the right people to make a genuinely good first episode then handed the rest of the show off to the SyFy channel, honestly that's what it feels like to me -- a generic SyFy show with a budget and decent actors.

It's such a damn shame as there's a lot of potential.

At least I got a laugh out of part of episode 4. The bit where the 'Twin Souled' is doing her banshee scream bit, I just knew one of them was going to punch her.
It's an adaptation of a book which is inspired by Lovecraft, rather than continuing his universe as some have done. I'm not sure how much full Mythos you'll get from Hollywood as Lovecraft is seen as super problematic for his racism, antisemitism etc.

The book is a cracking read, although it doesn't sound like the TV series is following it very closely. It's a sort of deliberate judo on the racism of Lovecraft by writing a book grounded in mid-century American racism that borrows heavily from the feel of Lovecraft.
Really tried with this last weekend but just couldn't get on with it. Sense of pace was just awful and the screenplay in general just seems so sloppy. It's a shame because the subject matter is really interesting if you're a struggling Lovecraft 'fan' (for obvious reasons these days...). I just wanted it to have a little more substance. Maybe I should check out the book.
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