Lower pump or fan speed on Corsair H45

12 Jan 2009
Just built my PC again using another motherboard as mines faulty.

Installed the H45 fine but how do I lower the pump or fan speed? I think it's running at full speed and its really noisy. My CPU idle temp is 30C so it must be working OK.
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Its a fan casuing it, trying to figure out which one. (A: One on the radiator of the H45 B: One at the rear or C: One at the top of the case)
No daisy chaining. I found it out, because my radiator is at the front the FAN cable won't reach CPU_FAN2 on the mobo so I plugged it into FAN_CHASSIS2 and adjusted the fan curve for FAN_CHASSIS2 in the BIOS. It's not running at full pelt anymore but there's still a whirring noise.

Is it safe to have the fan almost off and only kick in when the CPU temp reaches 35C?

EDIT: Its not the fan, I ran it on silent mode and can still hear that whining noise. It must be the radiator or pump. Is that standard? I thought AIO were near silent?
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Been doing some research and apparently the noise coming from the radiator is because is being supplied with above 12 volts. My BIOS shows its getting 12.2V so I need to lower it to 12V. I can't see an option in the BIOS to do this though :confused:
I can't seem to change the pump speed. Is the pump on the CPU or in the radiator bit? The noise is coming from the radiator bit.
Could it be I have the radiator fan plugged into a CHASIS_FAN1 connection and not CPUFAN2?

The braided cable going to the radiator/pump is plugged into CPU_FAN1, the none braided cable is going CHASIS_FAN1

H45 fan headers.jpg
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Update: I seem to have fixed it. Basically the fan on the Corsair H45 has to go in the CPU_FAN2 slot. If it goes in any other slot the radiator makes that horrible murmuring/screeching sound. Not sure why this is the case as the fan has no connection to the radiator other than the 4 screws that connect it.

So to fix it I simply took the fan off, rotated it 180 degrees and now the cable reaches CPU_FAN2 :) Very strange but works.
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