30hz is WHY its so cheap.

I don't really buy that this is the case, I feel that it's an artificial limitation. I wouldn't be surprised if the panel itself is 60Hz capable, but the controller board is hard limited to 30Hz. I'm not buying that a board capable of 60Hz is so much more expensive to produce to reflect the cost differences. I reckon companies who are selling 30Hz ones NOW are doing it because they see them as cheap stop gap monitors that people will replace fairly soon with 60Hz + ones.

It is however good to see monitors using this resolution are dropping in price, as it only means UHD's mainstream status isn't that far away.
Sorry I missed that. For all the slating it being only 30Hz this would actually be pretty nice for me (and many other flight simmers) who fly with a fixed FPS @30!:)
But wouldn't flight-simmers be better off with multi-screens?

Also considering the quality of the texture for the flight-sims, I'm not even sure if 4K would make it look much better than 1920 res...
For me it would mean I can see more rather than see the same but with better texture resolution. FSX in particular, IMHO, looks naff with ultra wide displays as it gives a fisheye type effect. If you zoom in to remove this then you can't see anything useful of the panel and see outside at the same time. Useful if you fly visually rather than by instruments.
Absolutely. Triple screen or ultra wide is great when combined with other screens placed underneath for cockpit instruments but for the vast majority of simmers with a single screen this size and resolution would be great. I'm sureost would prefer a full 60Hz+ screen though.
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