Lucky Number Slevin

Just got in from watching Lucky Number Slevin and wasn't too impressed to be honest. The plot twists were fairly obvious and it just seemed to go on too long. The acting was good though.
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Just got back from seeing Slevin - well actually got in an hour ago.
Both me and the fiancee really enjoyed it - top film.
Well made, excellent cast and although I'm sure you'll have some of the twists worked out I doubt you'll have everything before it is revealed.
Definite "Buy on DVD" once it gets released as I want this film in my collection.

Side Note:
Recently I've found my cinema experiences pretty bad - people talking, rustling, etc throughout the film.
This was the first Wednesday after Slevin's release (this means first day for the Orange Wednesday crowd).
The screen was quite full for a film starting at 9:20pm on a Wednesday but the experience was excellent.
From the moment the film started everyone just shut up and I didn't hear a sound out of place for the whole film.
It takes quite a good film to keep a whole screen quiet throughout!
Me and my friends were in tears at the black 'heavy' who had no upper lip, he resembled a beaver so much I couldn't stop laughing, guess I'm weird like that :o
do not go and see the fog!!!!
if any of you are thinking about it..get it out of your mind now.
i loved the original and thought..hmm another remake,might be worth a look?
regretted that decision.
the acting isnt appalling just ok for the film..the biggest let down was the returning "lepers". the effects are just abysmal lacking the originals "grossness" of the returnnig dead. its just really poor all round :(
stick to the original if you want to see a version of the fog.
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