Just about to start building a new PC and had originally intended to use my SSDs from my current machine, a Crucial M4 128GB and a Crucial MX300 500GB. I've now decided I'll keep the bigger one as my Steam drive but will replace the M4 with something a bit faster and bigger.
Firstly, is it worth going M.2? My motherboard has two slots but my case also has two dedicated 2.5" SSD bays. I like the idea of having the faster option with no additional cables.
Are the new Samsung 860 Evos any good, or am I better off looking at something else? Ideally I just want a good, quick, well-priced drive.
Firstly, is it worth going M.2? My motherboard has two slots but my case also has two dedicated 2.5" SSD bays. I like the idea of having the faster option with no additional cables.
Are the new Samsung 860 Evos any good, or am I better off looking at something else? Ideally I just want a good, quick, well-priced drive.