m ITX motherboard?

5 Jan 2009
Im thinking about a new build Bitfenix Prodigy but using as many of my existing components as possible to keep costs down but am unsure which mobo to get from the following as i would like to keep my i5 2500k overclocked. i have looked at the 3 following mobos




i think my nd-14 will fit on the Asus but not the other 2 boards?
Or would i be better off getting the asrock or the gigabyte and buying a new cooler and selling my nd-14.
What good coolers fit on the gigabyte and asrock mobo?
im also gonna replace my 5850 in the next few weeks aswell with a 7950 will it fit in with the nd-14?
Finally who deals with rma of the mobos as have seen quite a few DOA asus mobos on new egg?:confused:
Id personally go for the Asus and keep your D14.

Firstly, the Asus is a great board

Secondly, the D14 is an amazing cooler, I have one too..

Thirdly, read this: http://forums.overclockers.co.uk/showthread.php?t=18415841

The good coolers you could use with the other two boards are CLC's like the H80..

Thats what i was thinking if i get the gigabye mobo i would have to spend 60 quid on a new clc like H80 thus i may aswell get the asus and keep my nd-14.

The only thing that concerns my about the asus was a lot of boards returned on newegg where i was looking at reviews hence asking who does the rma overclockers or does it have to go to asus?
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