M. Night Shyamalan's Lady in the Water *Spoilers*

12 Nov 2004
Just got back from watching this, I personally didn’t think it’s as good as his previous films but its watchable. Everything seemed a bit rushed and why did Cleveland believe everything is girl was saying, it seemed a bit out of the ordinary. It also ended a bit abrupt.

Like all of his films it had you a bit on edge and had his usual jumpy moments (like when you zoom into the beast and the sprinklers come on…….. made me jump anyway)
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I quite liked it, even though some twists were obvious from the start (mmm, cereal),and other opportunities squandered.

The wolf creature was quite cool though, and provided at least three jumps.
chrisd said:
I haven't watched it yet but if it's as bad as The Village and Signs, i'm probably not missing much.

I liked the Village... there is something about his films which I really like. The silence during most of the films really adds to the tension.
I suppose you really like his films or really hate them.
Mr.Orb said:
I liked the Village... there is something about his films which I really like. The silence during most of the films really adds to the tension.
I suppose you really like his films or really hate them.

I liked the Sixth Sense. The Village was boring and predictable, whilst Signs was just a complete joke. The problem is that Shyamalan only seems capable of making one film; something that wasn't an issue when The Sixth Sense was released.
6th Sense was good.
Unbreakable was poor.
Signs was bloody awful.
Unbelievably The Village was even worse.

I hold no hope for Lady in the Water.
I quite enjoyed this one too.
In the same way that loads of people after the event say "Yer, I knew he was dead all along" about the Sixth Sense I do wonder just how many people really did know that "The Village" wasn't in the past...it's not as if there were any major clues there to indicate it was.
Anyway, I digress...

Lady in the water kinda worked for me.
It was never billed as anything other than a "fantasy story" so anybody going in expecting the usual twists missed the point of this one.
It of course had the twist, where the initial roll-call of characters was completely wrong.
However you were soon able to work out who should be who once you knew the characters you were looking for.

The story was nice, my fiancee loved it and she got almost teary towards the end.
I found the soundtrack was excellent - the classical music being played at certain times throughout the film really made it all rather emotional.

I liked Sixth Sense even though it had been spoilt for me before I saw it.
Unbreakable was OK, Signs wasn't too bad.
I enjoyed The Village too and I think Lady in the Water as a fantasy story was also very good - but certainly not for everybody.
Can I get a thread rewind!

Well the twist ala 6th Sense, Unbreakable or The Village just didn't work in Lady in the Water and I can thoroughly recommend not to bother with it. Going off the back of his other films I never thought to check the reviews because the twist payoff is usually worth a watch even if the film isn't amazing.....not this time.

As soon as it finished I headed over to Rotten Tomatoes.com to find it got 9%.....Doh

The trailer is very deceptive indeed and it's clear the studio knew it was poor and tried to make it look like a different film.....which worked because I ended up watching it.
Castor said:
It seems the general consensus is he hasnt made a decent film since 6th sense but i think Unbreakable is quality.

***, Unbreakable is one of my favourie films
edit: i have no idea why that was censored, anyway 3 letters, all caps, work it out :D
My problem with his films is that I'm expecting some kind of twist at the end and already have the possibilities worked out before the film finishes....I still like his films though!
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