M42 Speed Cameras



9 Nov 2004
hey, sorry if this isn't allowed but i'm really really concerned for my driving licence after using the M42 eastbound yesterday. i had TomTom running with the speed camera plugin and was using the M42. there was signs for speed cameras, but nothing was coming up on TomTom, so i carried on at the speed i was at, and if there's cameras there, i might have gone through a couple of them a bit fast.

has anyone been caught on that particular stretch of road, or are those scare-tactic cameras?

bah, im actually *****ing myself right now :(
hehehe :D

No, you know the big yellow cameras in the central reservation.

There'll be one at the start of the zone and one at the end. Calculates your average speed between the cameras to stop people from speeding up and slowing down for gatso's.
They are new cameras, been up about 3 months, from the junction with the M40 to the M6.
Most Gantrys have one for each lane on the back of them, you can just see them on the opposite carriageway, and they are linked to the electronic speed signs on the front side...

As far as i know, they are a new version of the Gatso..

Besides, its nearly impossible to break the speed limit on the airport there anyway... too much traffic :p
ugh. i would've only been about 10mph over the limit, but i figure 6 times or however many cameras there are down there, it'd mount up against me. blah, this sucks, i never speed either :(

edit: Baz, it was about half 7, and i wasnt the only one pushing it a little bit. blah, hopefully it'll just amount to a fine :(
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Do you mean around Brum?

For many years they had 50MPH cameras around there, as the state of the road was shocking, but the last couple of times I've used it, that particular limit has gone, and I think most of the cameras.

I can't be sure that they haven't just kept the cameras and set the trigger speed to 70MPH instead of 50 though.
merlin said:
Clearly you do.

Don't worry about it - your speedo will over-read a touch anyway, worst case 3 gold stars and a not too painfull fine. Chill.

yeah, obviously i do :p but im normally really good. was just being a bit over zealous i guess. i suppose we'll know in a couple of weeks.

cheers for the replies everyone. set my mind at ease somewhat :)
The M42 now has a variable speed limit section similar to that used with great effect on the M25, and the cameras are primarilly used to enforce the reduced limit. Unlike the M25 the cameras, however, these cameras are also used to enforce the standard 70mph limit as well, and are believed to be set at 78mph. They are versions of the standard Gatso, not the Specs average speed system.
I wouldn't worry about it as

1. They aren't on every gantry yet
2. Not all of them are cabled in yet
3. You'd have noticed the flashes in your mirrors after a while.
4. M'Way cameras only go off when you're 20mph+ over the limit in my experience :o
As stated, these are not SPECS or Gatso, they are basically combined ANPR/M25 variable style cameras. Not seen any flash yet and I use the M42 a fair bit, but you never know.
When I last used it I slowed to 50 for the flashing variable speed limit sign and the turd in the National Express coach behind me flashed his main beam frantically at me! If the cheeky ****** wants to get himself 3 points then be my guest, but don't give me crap for slowing to the speed limit whilst passing a camera! Professional driver my arse.
They are only active when a variable speed limit is imposed and not all of them have cameras on. I swear they try and catch you out though by imposing a 60 limit for a mile or so and then suddnely dropping it to 50 where the cameras are hoping you don't notice the change.
Giddy said:
They are only active when a variable speed limit is imposed and not all of them have cameras on. I swear they try and catch you out though by imposing a 60 limit for a mile or so and then suddnely dropping it to 50 where the cameras are hoping you don't notice the change.

This man knows what he is talking about. They ONLY work when a variable limit is in action, not when there are no signs. i.e you could do 100 mph down there (Some people I know sometimes do ;) to work everyday :D ) and nothing would happen.
Lopéz said:
As stated, these are not SPECS or Gatso, they are basically combined ANPR/M25 variable style cameras. Not seen any flash yet and I use ............

They're HADECS, (Highways Agency Digital Enforcement Camera System).

Digital Gatsometer cameras for the enforcement of the ATM scheme variable speed limit. They have, as Alibaba pointed out, decided to include 70mph in the enforcement strategy "by accident" if you believe that one ;). The do not operate in the same way as SPECS but the same as the M25 Variable Speed Camera Section. The main reason they are there is to enforce the speed limit set when running the hard shoulder through the section.

The were due to be commissioned in Nov /Dec last year but the programme is a little behind due to Type Approval issues, once commissioned on the M42 they will be installed on the new section of the M25 asociated with the T5 widening works.

I did do a bit of a write up about them in the speed camera sticky but whoever merged the threads has missed it out from the looks of it.

BTW, the pole cameras mounted every 50m or so are there for the sole purpose of monitoring the hard shoulder for debris etc prior and during HS running.
JiBeRjAbEr said:
They're HADECS, (Highways Agency Digital Enforcement Camera System).

Digital Gatsometer cameras for the enforcement of the ATM scheme variable speed limit. They have, as Alibaba pointed out, decided to include 70mph in the enforcement strategy "by accident" if you believe that one ;). The do not operate in the same way as SPECS but the same as the M25 Variable Speed Camera Section. The main reason they are there is to enforce the speed limit set when running the hard shoulder through the section.

The were due to be commissioned in Nov /Dec last year but the programme is a little behind due to Type Approval issues, once commissioned on the M42 they will be installed on the new section of the M25 asociated with the T5 widening works.

I did do a bit of a write up about them in the speed camera sticky but whoever merged the threads has missed it out from the looks of it.

BTW, the pole cameras mounted every 50m or so are there for the sole purpose of monitoring the hard shoulder for debris etc prior and during HS running.
Cheers, I knew what they did, but not what they were actually called :)
JiBeRjAbEr said:
They're HADECS, (Highways Agency Digital Enforcement Camera System).

Digital Gatsometer cameras for the enforcement of the ATM scheme variable speed limit. They have, as Alibaba pointed out, decided to include 70mph in the enforcement strategy "by accident" if you believe that one ;). The do not operate in the same way as SPECS but the same as the M25 Variable Speed Camera Section. The main reason they are there is to enforce the speed limit set when running the hard shoulder through the section.

The were due to be commissioned in Nov /Dec last year but the programme is a little behind due to Type Approval issues, once commissioned on the M42 they will be installed on the new section of the M25 asociated with the T5 widening works.

I did do a bit of a write up about them in the speed camera sticky but whoever merged the threads has missed it out from the looks of it.

BTW, the pole cameras mounted every 50m or so are there for the sole purpose of monitoring the hard shoulder for debris etc prior and during HS running.

Thanks for that, interesting - especially for me as I do a 50 mile round trip that includes m42 j3a to j6.

I have never seen gantry cameras flash and have seen cars drive at est. 70+ through 40/50 limits.

Am I wrong to think that there are also specs cameras on this stretch of motorway?
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