
G&G make a quite respectable clone of the Tanaka K98k called the G980.

I can't believe how dumb I was to sell it, it was mint, two mags, proper strap, great scope, even had this day/night glow for the iron sites, plus a flight case and I sold it for £110!

Going to have to try and buy it back now I think :p

To be fair, I regret selling most of the airsoft kit I've owned as I'd like to get back into it now (best was a tuned MC51 which I wasn't allowed to engage anyone at a distance less than 20mtrs).
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I can't believe how dumb I was to sell it, it was mint, two mags, proper strap, great scope, even had this day/night glow for the iron sites, plus a flight case and I sold it for £110!

Going to have to try and buy it back now I think :p

To be fair, I regret selling most of the airsoft kit I've owned as I'd like to get back into it now (best was a tuned MC51 which I wasn't allowed to engage anyone at a distance less than 20mtrs).
Yikes, that's like £550 worth of stuff :eek:
G&G also make a nice metal MC51 (they call it the FS51) that's a good base for upgrades by the way.

My biggest regret was getting rid of my upgraded PSG :(

Oh man, don't, those things are indescribable money-pits. There are *no* parts available for them, so when they go wrong you need to hunt down decade-old parts from all the exotic HK-based retailers etc.
Yikes, that's like £550 worth of stuff :eek:
G&G also make a nice metal MC51 (they call it the FS51) that's a good base for upgrades by the way.

Oh man, don't, those things are indescribable money-pits. There are *no* parts available for them, so when they go wrong you need to hunt down decade-old parts from all the exotic HK-based retailers etc.

I had a metal upgraded body and internals ...... I spent a bloody fortune on it .....
afaik de-activated need a certificate and need to be done to a standard [hole ground in barrel, steel rod welded in place and the bolt head ground down] but other than that is legal, and tbh i cant see whats wrong with it in your house apart from social awkwardness [unless it can be seen from outside]

i guess replicas are the same.

airsoft would be a good move, would allow you to mess about shooting people with it too. need a ukara though, best way to get into that is to find a local club and start playing regularly.

as for the real thing, afaik you need either a mod90 or whatever its called, or be in a gun club, both instances you wont be able to hang it off your wall if even keep it at your own house.
Firing this on holiday last year was worth the price of the ticket alone.


£570 for rifle
£40 for 500 rounds
£50 for FAC
£150 for Safe

£810 for one that actually shots although in a small caliber, cant really hang it on the wall though!
Alright, so this is going to be a weird request, I think.

Lately I've been really wanting an M4A1 replica weapon. Something that I would frame and hang up in my bedroom. I don't even know why I've been wanting one, I'm not overly interesting in weapons and such, but I think after playing too much CS:GO lately its making me want one.

Is it legal to buy a weapon like this? Obviously one that I could never fire.
Does it sound like a stupid idea to frame and hang up on the wall?
Would it be expensive? Where would one even obtain one?


yes you can get a deactivated one perfectly legal, a few hundred quid tyhough.

for a similar price you could get a full metal airsoft one, either electric or gas blow back. then you got your pretty wall hanger (look identical to the replica/deac and you can have a bit of a fun plink with it.
Slightly. Instructor was irresponsible and it cost him his life sadly. That girls going to be traumatised.
I used to have a Tanaka Mauser Kar98k setup to look like the one used by the Ed Harris German sniper character Major Erwin König from the film Enemy at the Gates.

Regret selling it as it was a work of art in itself, plus it struck fear into the opposing airsoft team as the thing was a beast, particularly on a warm day using red ultra gas as the thing was so damn accurate with .43's :)

Quite fancy getting into deactivated weapons but need a man-cave first.

I wanted to get that :(

Two guns I always regret not buying, your one and the Golden AK :(
Might as well share mine. Supposed to be for filmwork, but that particular script has been shelved indefinitely.


The M4 with the rails is fantastic as a prop as, with only a few accessories, you can change it from a short-barrelled CQB weapon to run-of-the-mill infantry carbine, to a designated marksman's rifle.
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