Mac Pro - Should I ?

ha nah its a 1TB drive :D £77 delivered at 9am this morning when I ordered it yesterday at 3pm, not bad!

Yeah Oli I want a netbook for size and portability, Im only gonna use it for watching US tv shows and internet or a night in the lounge/bed. But it means linux or windows :/ So thats putting me off!

Might sell my MBP and get either new white macbook, so I have 3 year warranty for no price difference really, or get 2nd hand one for £400-450 aslong as it has warranty! Dont have MM access anymore which sucks :( Have to go get ripped off on another forum/auction website !
Oh forgot to ask, whats everyone using, VM Ware of Parallels ?

I was using Parallels but my audio went after a few weeks and couldnt be bothered reinstalling
Email my trust email, I might be able to help you out :)

Tried Virtualbox, doesnt support 64bit OS? Only got Vista 64 so hopefully VMWare does otherwise Ill have to go grab a 32bit Vista :/
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Installing Vista (or XP for that matter) on a Mac Pro is like dating a beautiful woman and making her wear a David Cameron mask.

Apart from gaming (and that really isn't what the MP is designed for) why would you want to do this?

Its easier to install windows to test safari/ff/ie6/7/8 than to use all the time and have to wait :)

Also for playing the very odd game when I get time, about once a month at the current rate! Also there isnt a sopcast for mac yet so I need that for streaming :)
I dislike windows as much as the next user, but it makes my life easier having a vm
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I just tried installing Vista 64bit onto my mac pro, worked fine. I used the BC assistant to create a partition and format it, did that to Fat32 but Vista requires NTFS.
So I reformatted the drive to NTFS using the Vista installation but then VMWare Fusion doesnt pick up the Vista installation.

Is there anyway of installing Vista 64 with Fat32 or getting VMWare to pickup the NTFS Vista installation?
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