macbook air or ipad

23 Jan 2005
Hi i was confused on weather to go for a new air or pro as my 2017 pro 10.8" is getting on a bit and fancied something new, so asked earlier on here but now i have just found out i can get a new macbook air for roughly the same price as i can get the ipads. there is a promotion giving me £255 trade in for my existing ipad pro 64Gb wifi and on top of that £150 bonus so i can get a new macbook air for £899 less the trade in so £494 in total, any comments please ?
It depends entirely on your use case. The OG Pro is still a workhorse, and still probably fine for the majority of tasks unless you're struggling to do specific jobs on it.

Does your workflow requirements necessitate a move from a Mobile OS to a fully fledged Desktop OS, or are you happy with iPadOS, and want to have the fancy screen, touch screen and mobile features which make it a selling point.
Thanks all only use the iPad for browsing and email streaming just fancied a change as I have a win 10 desktop and finding myself sitting at it more than sitting on the couch with the ipad
Have you considered looking at a normal iPad? For what you say you do the Pro is overkill - and then just get a keyboard/mouse cover for it. Or get one for your current Pro.

Alternatively yeah just get the MBA.
If you’re planning on hooking said chosen device up to a TV or external display (you mentioned streaming) then you will need the MacBook Air. The iPad doesn’t mirror well and is useless on an external display for all intents and purposes.
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