MacBook or MacBook Pro...

1) Finder has stopped responding twice (in an hour, think it had something to do with my pen-drive, but can't be sure)
Not sure about this, maybe the pen drive is faulty
2) Fans are running rather loud, pretty much all the time, i thought macbooks were supposed to be pretty quiet?
They only speed up when the temps get hot, try looking at activity monitor and see if any processes are using a lot of cpu
3) Tried opening a couple of programs and they just never opened :S
Again not sure about this, what programs are they?

4) OSX doesn't even pick my pen-drive up now, therefore another reboot (4th in a hour and half) :(
5) Keyboard stopped working for about 2 minutes after reboot ...
This is a well known about issue, just install the update
thanks for the comments :)
i've been in to see the mac guys, they re-installed leopard and it seems to be running better, but i'll see how i get on :)
using my mac really for the first time since i got it, and i'm worried about a couple of things, wondered if anyone could clear them up for me :)

1) Finder has stopped responding twice (in an hour, think it had something to do with my pen-drive, but can't be sure)
2) Fans are running rather loud, pretty much all the time, i thought macbooks were supposed to be pretty quiet?
3) Tried opening a couple of programs and they just never opened :S

4) OSX doesn't even pick my pen-drive up now, therefore another reboot (4th in a hour and half) :(
5) Keyboard stopped working for about 2 minutes after reboot ...

whats wrong with my macbook? :confused:

could it be possible i have a faulty MBP? or am i doing something to upset osx?

cheers :)

p.s. apart from that i'm loving it, its soooo pretty, lol :p
Must be Wind.... wait. Hold on....
With the macbook, does it really want an extra gig of memory? I'm looking longingly at the black macbook right now but something in me rebels at the thought of paying ovr 1000 quid for a laptop (that said, me being a little short on cash right now it'd be a while 'til I get it anyway, if I do).
What's the battery life like on these?

I've had my MBP for little over 6 months now, and it still manages to last over 3 hours doing normal things, 4+ hours with the screen turned right down and just browsing the net. Better than any laptop I've owned previously (and there's been a fair few :p)

And if anybody is questioning whether or not to go for the MacBook or MacBookPro - Pro every time, I own a MB aswell originally bought for 'extra portability', I've taken it with me maybe half a dozen times, mostly to places where I fear the MBP might get broken.. the MBP screams quality from every angle, whereas the MacBook, well, it's just another (admittedly cooler looking (in black of course :p)) laptop. The build quality feels worlds apart, well, maybe not that far removed, but you get the idea :)
Just thought I would let everyone know I have found the problem.

The high idle(lol) temps were due to Coconut battery monitor running in the background. After closing the program I now have temps between 45-49. The case is now just warm. Not sure why this program should be using so much CPU?

I'm happy now.

Again thanks for the input :)
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