Macbook pro slowing

10 Jan 2010
Hi I have a macbookpro 2007 with a 2.2 coreduo. Just latley it been running slow , taking a long time to load programs. Do you think its on its last legs. How long do macbooks usually last. Today i deleted a over 50gb of old stuff and im gonna run idefrag tonight to see if it helps.
Defrag? How did you do that, out of curiosity?

Now and again it's worth booting from your install DVD, running the Disk Utility and repairing disk permissions.

Also, I've found if you get less than around 10% of free disk things can slow up.
I used a program called idefrag took all night but done the job. Thought it was gonna get expensive didnt wanna buy a new macbook just yet:D
Defrag? How did you do that, out of curiosity?

Now and again it's worth booting from your install DVD, running the Disk Utility and repairing disk permissions.

Also, I've found if you get less than around 10% of free disk things can slow up.

Why boot from the install DVD when disk utility is in applications > utilities > disk utility?
An SSD would be a good investment. It would speed your macbook up. I put one in my macbook pro and I would never go back to a normal HDD now.
4GB of RAM would give it a nice boost, and should be cheap.

When did you last re-install the OS? I've never kept the same installation for more than a year, as I've always either broken it or fancied a faster HDD by then!
Why boot from the install DVD when disk utility is in applications > utilities > disk utility?

not sure you can run all options on disk utillity if you are tryin to use it on the drive you are running it from.

if you boot from osx disk you can

edit: thinking about it, it may only be disk erase you need to do from osx disk
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Booting up the Install DVD to run Disk utility works better because the hard drive isn't mounted and absolutely no system files are in use.
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