Macbook + time machine

Say if i was to buy a 500gb extrenal hardrive for time machine...Is that all the hard drive can be used for?

or could i install say my music on there?

Does timemachine need the whole of the disk space?


Just partition it, 1 half for Time Machine, the other half for music or whatever :)
The more disk space, the further back in time it can back up - over days/weeks/months/years, as you routinely back it up.

I did a partition with my 250GB external HDD, 100GB is used for Time Machine and the other 150GB for my Media - so when I plug in my firewire, 2 HDD is shown on finder, one will auto sync with Time Machine and the other is the usual external drive.

(which will change for me soon, shall repartition it to 250GB for time machine and got me another HDD for my media :D)
I have a 400Gb drive split 3 ways, 124Gb each;

1 for Time Machine, 1 NTFS partition for Winblows backups and a NFS Partition for big ass Mac files. :p
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