MacBook Vs Windows Laptop

4 Aug 2004
Hi all,

I am in fairly urgent need of an aesthetically pleasing lightweight laptop. As a PC user how would I find the switch to Mac(Book)?

Any other advice - spending around the £1k mark?

The main things I need are DVD player, bluetooth and mobile internet and obviously decent processor speed.

I am no computer expert so go easy on the technobabble please. :p
The Macbook is a perfect choice, It's a good spec machine (accept for GPU) and the styling is 2nd to none, I'ts also the only Laptop capable of running OSX, XP and Linux all on the same machine.

If your after a quality laptop but not too bothered about running the latest games then the Macbook is a no brainer and should be at the top of everyones list.

PS. I don't work for Apple honest!!!
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Thanks for your reply.

I was just breaking the forum rules and asked about the MacBook running XP. First guy said no it can't then the other guy said it can but it is not advised. I have had a quick Google and it looks like it can be done very nicely so d'you reckon the guy is just being a nob?

I am quite interested in this MacBook now. I have heard some things about Macs being more secure virus wise. Would I be right in saying if I run XP then this goes out the window (excuse the pun!)?
ive just got my macbook for the same reason, its light and has everything on it, plus none of this windows rubbish. im so glad i made the right choice and went for a mac, i would definetly not go back now.

thank you apple :)

p.s. have a peep in the linux,osx part of the forum. honestly you wont be disappointed with a mac.

/im not a seller. lol, im just addicted to my macbook now.
Jambo said:

Thanks for your reply.

I was just in ******** and asked about the MacBook running XP. First guy said no it can't then the other guy said it can but it is not advised. I have had a quick Google and it looks like it can be done very nicely so d'you reckon the PC Worldguy is just being a nob?
He's being a rather pathetic knob. I reccomend the MacBooks highly. It sounds like it's exactly what you want. Check out the Linux, OS X, and OSS forum on OcUK. It's loaded with good ideas for Macs.
Yeah I have seen some raving reports!

I forgot to ask. Will I be able to add the MacBook to an office network which is on XP Pro?
There's a way to get Macs on to Active Directory if you're using that and have a friendly admin. As for the Windows XP thing, Boot Camp or Parallels. The former if you don't mind dual booting and messing with partitions and firmware updates, the latter if you do (and are willing to pay).

Oh, and yes, if you're running XP, you're just as vulnerable to viruses as anyone else. Mac or not.

I'm also slightly curious as to why you should want a Macbook as a Windows user who wants to run Windows. No harm in it, just curious. :)

However, try not to be breaking forum rules in future please.
as above really, you need to ask yourself that

why buy a mac if your just going to run windows most of the time, unless it because of the sexy looks it has and the features.

i havent used bootcamp yet, might try it someday when i find something i cant do in OSX, ----- ONE DAY. lol
I would want a Macbook over a Windows laptop just for the style, quality and the fact it's an Apple. Why run XP on a generic windows laptop when you can do it in style on a lovely Macbook ;)
Slogan said:
Unless you want to play any sort of recent game. ;)

In that case go for a a Macbook Pro. But lets be honest we all like the idea of playing the latest games on a laptop but few of us seldom do and we end up using it for surfing and work besides most of us have desktop machines for latest games. The most important factor for a laptop is size, weight and battery life and the Macbook ticks all those boxes with style ;)

But thats not to say the Macbook can't do games because it can, just don't expexct FEAR or BF2!
Berserker said:
I'm also slightly curious as to why you should want a Macbook as a Windows user who wants to run Windows. No harm in it, just curious. :)

However, try not to be breaking forum rules in future please.

I don't purely want to run windows but it is really handy. The MacBook appears to offer the best of both worlds.

Sorry about the rule break.

Is anyone using Parallels then to run XP? From a virus protection point of view do you just treat it like a normal PC?
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