Maccie D's for a quick and cheap meal

McD was great when they had the pound saver menu and you could get a double cheese burger and large fries for £2. Think they are £1.40 or something now :(.
As much as I enjoy McDonalds, the prices have gotten ridiculous and it isn't all that filling.

Sometime last year I ordered and ate north of 20 quids worth of food on my own.
Anybody like McDonalds big tasty?, I cannot stand them I think they taste like *****. I remember opening the door with my head out ready to puke. My girlfriend on the other hand loves them.....

My McDonald's order is always big Mac or chicken selects :-).
Maccie D's is more better in Japan and Hong Kong. At least there you are not paying more for less, unlike here in the UK. Also you get chicken wings too :)
I only like the Strawberry Milkshakes and the BBQ Sauce from McD's, the looks you get when you only order a Milkshake and ask for a few BBQ Sauces.
On the odd occasion we have them its normal that one goes to KFC for the food, then the other walks 50 yards over the car park for Maccies milkshakes.

I don't really like Maccies food, but its easy on an evening shift when there's nothing else open but as mentioned, you're hungry an hour later and for some reason, it always gives me the hiccups for hours afterwards :(
Working there back when you were 16 and making whatever combination you could think of was pretty amazing, Until you had tried everything possible and are sick of the sight of it. :p
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