Mad Bid - anyone tried it?

3 Aug 2010
I saw an advert the other night for a website called Mad Bid, have heard of it before and thought it was too good to be true that you could buy something like a Sony Vaio for £24.

Just had a look at the website - seems all above board, sure there must be a catch though.

Has anyone ever been on, won anything on one of their auctions, or had any experience with them?
Last edited:
18 Feb 2011
Each bid costs money, so if you bid and dont win, you're out of pocket. This is where they make so much money, the more times a person bids, the more they have invested in it, so they keep on bidding.

Its all 'above board' so to speak though.
30 Sep 2008
I looked at this a few years ago when I saw them and it all seemed too good to be true, the sad fact is, that it is.

The site I was looking at, each bid cost you roughly 50p, you could buy 'packs' of bids to make it cheaper, but for simple maths we will use 50p as the number. When you place a bid, it increases the 'bid price' of the item you are looking at by a specified amount, usually around one or two pence.

So lets look at item that sells for a 'bid price' of £20.00 - thats taken 2000 bids to get there, thats £1000 in bids that people have paid for. Its a complete no lose situation for the retailer in question, and I often wonder about the legitimacy of the situation, as I have never once seen an item drop out of bidding at a low price.
1 Dec 2006
Amsterdam, NL
Yea, swoopo was the first and original.

Basically, you buy 'tokens' that you use to bid, for a pure example and not factual, you pay £10 for 100 bid tokens, you then use those tokens to bid on something...

So, you win it using your 100 tokens, that's you £10 out of pocket so far, then you have to pay the winning bid amount... Say £50... So in total, you bought something for £60...

If you are clever and catch a bid that hasn't been tainted by auto bids and buyers than spend thousands on there to simply resell stuff. Then you can get a bargain. It's risky...

Swoopo was dodgy in the sense that the bid count kept going up until no one bid... So effectively endless!

I got a 8GB usb stick for 31p and it cost me £3 worth of bid tokens lol. Never bothered again!

20 Jan 2005
Co Durham
The catch is your bids cost money. Everytime anybody bids the auction is extended.

I know/have read about people who have spent £200 on bids before winning a ps3 for £30.

And a great deal for the bidding company. You see £300 items sold with £700 worth of bids.
Man of Honour
11 Mar 2004
that you could buy something like a Sony Vaio for £24.

And how much money in bids ontop of that?
you pay per bid and it ends when no one bids for x-amount of time. you may gets some bargains, but you'll also waste a lot of money on bids that you don't win. They do it because they make money out of it, so on average you will always lose.
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