Magehalem Over Tunic Tower??

12 Mar 2006
In The Sea Of Leveraged Liquidity
Going to be doing a full rebuild this weekend hopefully if all my parts arrive. My computer has been due a nice little upgrade so ive got a 260GTX, Coolmater 690 II and hopefully a Q6600 on the way.

Going to do a little project log for laugh so keep an eye out for it in that section! :D

Question is: I know the Q6600 are quite toasty things and my Tuniq would suffice in getting a 3.2ghz out of it but if i changed to a Magehalem, you reckon temps would be better again? Would splashing out be wise or shall i just stick to the Tuniq?? Its the original Tuniq by the way.
Id personally stick with your Tuniq tower, nothing wrong with the megahelims, great cooler in fact, (i own one). But the Tuniq tower will be more than adequate for a q6600 @3.2ghz, save your dosh.
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