Maiden flight of my new Tron 5.5

And then you get to this that they can all do, Alan is align, one of the worlds best, in not quite there yet lol.

subsequently watched one showing his control inputs - the motor skills! like a musician

Yes, I knew you'd elevate this thread to a whole new level :cool:

Also also, these things are seriously, seriously impressive bits of kit. I don't know how yours compares to these things, the the way this thing just rips up the physics rulebook is on a whole new level of absolute insanity. I can't even begin to imagine the forces going through that little frame:

(start at 30 secs)

it's like an air fish!

as in a fsih in the air :p
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subsequently watched one showing his control inputs - the motor skills! like a musician

Alan is an amazing pilot, hes the test pilot for Align, the motor is bogging out a bit in that video though, especially when he's doing tick tocks (1:43 to 1.49) it nearly dies, needs a more powerful motor.

This one is a life saver to learn, go from 6mins 56 secs (autorotations) if you battery dies or something goes wrong, this will save your heli.

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Whats the cost of a unit like that? and what sort of flight time do you get?
Unit like what ? mine ? Tron 5.5

Heli Kit £535

You then need:

Main Blades £72
Tail Blades £20
Servos x 3 £55 each
Tail Servo £100
Egodrift motor £260
Flight Controller £185
Recivers £50
Back up Receiver £50
ESC £116
Batteries are between £60 and £120 and give you between 5 to 7 mins of flight

And if you dont already have one, you need a programmable Tx, spektrum NX8 would do the trick £364
And of course a battery charger

I think thats about it.

You could also buy a kit like this for £1000, you would still need a Tx and batteries:
and this will give you some idea of what is involved, there is a lot more to do after then build with programming and setup
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New infinate adjust servo horns for her arrived today from the USA which is the only place I could buy them, only took just over a week to get here, not a bad speed at all for $2.99 shipping to the UK, shame the final part was damn herpes or whatever they want to call themselves now a days, they are still just as rubbish as theyve always been, cant wait to fit them.


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