major help

18 Jul 2006
hi guys problem here, something has gone wrong with the comp, was playing on a game and it went off, and now it wont boot into windows, i think this has happened because i put the voltage up 2 the ram, so i cleared c mos and replaced battery, still wont go into windows, it goes into bios and crashes with 2 sticks of ram it wont even load into bios, with one it gets abit further. has putting up the voltage damaged the ram ? , mobo and cpu and gfx card seem 2 be good because i get image and it turns on, but the ram is cheap and cheerfull any help ?
Try and run Memtest on the ram if it is possible on another computer to make sure it isn't the ram that went. It could be the psu that is the problem, but if it was then i thought the computer wouldn't boot at all.
it wont let me into windows, just crashes the psu shouldnt be a problem i dont think, its a high quality one, enermax 850 watt, but the ram is really poo only 533mhz
If you can get on another computer, download Memtest and burn it to CD and boot the CD and you can test from there. It doesn't require you to boot into Windows.
I would rule out gfx card definitely because you can still get a picture and if it was related then it would start to artifact or the image would become distorted. The motherboard is a tricky one because if it was overclocked a lot it could over-heat. Same goes for the CPU. My Athlon 3000+ crashed a lot on boot because it became unstable due to the voltage, just simple overclocking error. Make sure all the settings are back to default in the BIOS first and then try the ram.

If you have another computer, put your Ram in it and see if the computer boots. If it does then the ram should be ok.
all setting were as normal, and mobo was at 30 degrees, 1400 mhz and ram was 550 mhz with 2.000v and then i didnt do a stress test which i should have done, it started playing up last nite so everything in bios is set to default, just wont boot into windows or it trys but doesnt get far after loading abit it crashs and the hdds go off. or stop making movement,

it wont boot at all with 2 gig of ram in im geussing they have both got damaged.
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