MAJOR PROBLEMS WITH DS3!! Help please!!:(

25 Sep 2006
hi guys, wondering if you have any suggestions...

got my ds3, e6300, 2gb corsair xms2 (800mhz) artic cooling freezer 7 and my x1800xt the other day.

Bunged it all together worked perfectley.

Me and my friend tried over clocking today, work alrite the first few times.

then upon restart it would power up then cut out after about 3-4 seconds would do this a few times n then eventually boot. So kept uping the FSB from 266 to 350, keeping the ram clock speed in order.

This time it wouldnt boot, just kept having this sorta spastic phase of 3 second attempts to boot n then cutting out. tried flashing c-mos with batter and the jumpers no luck, ive taken ram out tried 1 stick in all diff channels. tried booting with no gfx, no h/d connected still same things happen. took cpu out of socket n put it back in still nothing!

Im clueless :(

please help guys!

anyone had this happen before?


glad im not the only one! give us a shout if you solve, it, mite try n update *** bios, just cant find a version of it... im on my mums peice of crap desktop liek 400 mhz p2 so i cant do anything on it except browse, lol
cmos flash doesnt seem to work tried removing battery and with umpers no luck. I hear u can update the bios thru usb apparently??
thanks so much for all your help guys, was the ram voltages.

went and found the cheapest 256mb ddr2 stick of **** i could find, and back to normal now :) lol lovely jubley, wonder what will go wrong next... lol

Thanks again

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