ROFL ... You've obviously not tried it have you ?
I've got osx86 installed and have a mac but nothing beats gnome 2 / compiz compositing when it's correctly set up ... As I said... It makes veteran mac users cry when they see it in action.
LOL. I know what you are talking about, I was doing it years ago.
Compiz etc works fantastically, and smokes even Expose etc.. but you've missed my point. (and expose smoke mission control, but that's another thread)
Where is the fully integrated drag and drop?
Where is the drag and drop 'Applications' directory?
Where is the concept of the App window and the document window?
Where is the dock, that actually works like OSX dock, and not just looks like it? (Windowmaker ha)
Where is photoshop/protools etc for Linux?
Macs use a fundamentally different metaphorical concept when comparing e.g. finder and explorer or, ... what is it you use? Gnautilus maybe?
I actually used macs way before I first used gnome, but when I did use gnome I realised where there influences came from, and it's nice, but it's not mac, even if it looks like it.