Making my HDDs silent?

4 Sep 2005
Hey all

I've got a download box which i've just put together, and its gonna be on for a long time. It's pretty much silent, but the only noise is coming from the HDDs. I've got an old 10gb Fujitsu 5400rpm drive which windows is on, and an 80gb maxtor 7200rpm. Theres just a high pitched squeeling noise constantly.

Can i do anything to get rid of this? Bearing in mind its an old desktop case, so any enclosures wont really fit :(

Sparky191 said:
The most efficient is to buy a new quiet drive, even a laptop one. Otherwise suspend it using rubber ties/cables of somesort.

hmm, i cant afford a new drive at the moment. The current drives are sat on blue tack at the moment. They arnt vibrating, its just the operating noise
have you tried unplugging the 10gb Fujitsu drive just to check the noise levels, whining noise normally comes from old hdd's like that one. Most 80Gb drives are fairly quiet

I've plugged in old hdd's like that in new silent pc's to copy data and found that old hdd's can be very noisy
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