Making old slave a master

22 Jan 2006

I currently have:

1 x IDE Master with Windows
1 x IDE Slave with data

1 x new SATA drive

I'm going to install Windows on the SATA drive, as the IDE Master has died. Will I lose my data on the IDE Slave if I just set it to Master and continue using it as a data drive? And then can I add another Slave in the future if needed?

You should be fine but will have to import the drive as a foreign drive through Disk Manager once you have installed Windows on the SATA drive.
Install the new SATA drive, disconnect both the old drives and install windows. Once the install is done connect the old drive, connecting it to the end of the IDE cable, not in the middle where it should be now.

Check the jumpers on the old drive, it may be jumpered as CS (cable select) in which case you are good to go. If it is jumpered as a slave change the jumpers to make it the master. If you can't make out the label on the drive check the model number and google over to the manufacturer's web site to find out which jumpers you need to make it a master.

Now refit it and re-start the PC. The 'new' (to Windows) drive will pop up the 'found new hardware' balloon if you're using XP and the drive will appear. A re-boot may be required, though you can never be sure. If you can't see it in Explorer, Right Click 'My Computer', select 'Manage' and select 'Disk Management'. This may force Windows to see the drive, but this step should not be necessary for a drive that is formatted and already has a 'signature'.
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