Making plastic black again

Thanks for the suggestions all, I'm going to give the WD40 a try tomorrow as that's what I have available without buying anything for the time being.

I may well go the plasti dip/spray route when selling it, having those plastic parts nicely black & clean will make everything look a whole lot better :)

WD40 is pretty rubbish at polishing and things like this.

Unless its a different formula from when I used to try and convince myself it worked in the 90's of course.

In my experience you get a shine/colour change for about 20 seconds then it looks just as knackered as it did before.
well WD40 does work as I can get it to retain a shiny wet look for several days and I use my bike for a weekly commute, if the OP i not happy with WD40 spread copiously then Plastidip is the ultimate as has been said the item to be painted... chrome, plastic, wood, whatever... just needs degreaseing. Its easy to fix or take off again, the only boring part is that its matte only.
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