Making the most (WEIGHTS)

31 Dec 2003
I'm a non working student and can't afford the gym again for the time being and i'm just looking for a little advice on making the most with the VERY basic equipment I have.

What i've basically been doing since I stopped at the gym is pretty much hammering squats, deadlifts, barbell & dumbell curls & pressups once a week on a Wednesday for about 45 minutes to 1 hour.

I've got more time in the evenings now so I can work out on different days, but due to the lack of a bench i'm struggling to decide how to structure any kind of routine and I really am stuck for ideas. I know there's not much I can do but I want to make the most of what i've got right now.

Just to clarify, I've got a cruddy EZ curl bar & dumbells.

Can anyone help me out at all?
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Linoge said:
Would you be able to post up your exact routine, I might be able to recommend some different exercises or spot areas where you are lacking. :)

Basically it's just been a really inconsistant mess, I haven't took much notice of how many sets i've been performing. The exercises are pretty much as follows..

Wide armed pressup
Behind neck press
Weighted crunches

I've got more time to workout now and I know it would probably be more beneficial to work two days instead of just the one at the moment, but with so little equipment at home at the moment i'm not sure what to do really?
That looks like a fairly good plan for at least a few months, i'll give it a go.

How long roughly should the workout take would you say? I've always never left more than 2 minutes absolute maximum between a set, but typically i've done a lot more than what I will be doing with that routine.
Linoge said:
I'd say about 40-45 minutes. Some routines may be done quicker but make sure you get your form right and use the first week to assess what weight you are capable of lifting for each exercise. Keep a journal if you wish, and if you did an exercise without really being worked, right down that you should add more KGs to it the following week. :)

Journal is a good idea, i'll be going with that, thanks :)

How am I going to do skullcrushers without a bench?
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