Mambo's Cafe Sunset "Ibiza"

5 Nov 2004
You dont see me HDR'ing much but heres one from my holiday.

Using a combination of ND Grads I was able to achieve a nice balanced exposure. The HDR just brought out some uumph! in the shot.

"Edit - This is a new copy. Made on a registered copy of Photomatrix"


ISO 400

EOS30D EF17-40L F4

"Not sure if I feel its too saturated or not.."
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Really cool, except for some cloaning issues in the sea (right-hand side) :p, or is that an artefact of combining multiple exposures?
nomore said:
Really cool, except for some cloaning issues in the sea (right-hand side) :p, or is that an artefact of combining multiple exposures?
Nah its a clone issue. I havent bought my copy of photomatrix yet

Blackvault said:
How much did that set you back and what size did you get?

about £30 including adapter, thread ring and size. Cokin P series is a size to fit most of the big lenses.
Hmmmm. I dunno. I think theres too much contrast in the shadows (if thats what I'm thinking the problem is). Its a bit too burnt out.
Essentially I like the shot - but all the detail seems to be bunched up in deep shadow or off-white highlight. There's not a great deal of midtone detail going on..
If reprocessed, scrapping the sky altogethor and cropping in just below the water line could make an interesting shot. If you wanted to keep more favourable proportions, then you could always come in a ways from the left, too - I really think that's the most interesting part of the frame, and would work well in its own right.
did you autolevel the jpg once Photomatrix had finished Tone Mapping? Reason I ask is that the colour shout HDR, and look unrealistic.

TBH if you goin to take the time to use grads, taking the image into Photomatrix anyway seems slightly pointless
Nice Picture but looks like some body has thrown up over that rock maybe you could clone or crop that out or some think, apart from that it's great, Nice one.....
Psilonaught said:
did you autolevel the jpg once Photomatrix had finished Tone Mapping? Reason I ask is that the colour shout HDR, and look unrealistic.

TBH if you goin to take the time to use grads, taking the image into Photomatrix anyway seems slightly pointless
I couldnt use them effectivily since I was hand holding the camera at very low shutter speeds.

I thought it looked nice anyway but I aint exactly a wiz in photomatrix. I just had a play really.
Lovely shot but in my opinion you really need to upload your photos at a higher file size as i feel it is let down by the poor quality.
themask70 said:
Lovely shot but in my opinion you really need to upload your photos at a higher file size as i feel it is let down by the poor quality.

Looks fine here. Of course bigger would be better but obviously within forum rules :)
ye, i resized them right down so i didnt get shouted at by mods. Plus tbh ther eisnt that much quality in them, as they were done on a **** compact camera, i didnt take my slr away with me, as it was more of a clubbing/ djing holiday, and didnt want to risk it
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