Man bags

If I need to carry stuff, I have a coat and my hands. There are also my pockets.
If I'm going away somewhere I'll have a suitcase or a sports holdall to put stuff in. Unless I needed to cart a laptop (and then, I'd probably just carry it under my arm) I can't see what use I'd have for any sort of messenger bag or manbag.

You've just shattered all my illusions. Surely you don't have pockets in a superhero outfit? :confused:

Originally Posted by Angilion
Many men have managed to carry their stuff for many years without using a handbag, so your question is silly no matter how many question marks you use.

Manbags are just a fairly clever marketing name to make it easier to sell handbags to men as well as women - a straightforward expansion of the potential market.

Yes, really. Your snippet about the earliest recorded bags is interesting, though it's almost certain that people were using bags long before recorded history. A bag is so useful in a hunter-gatherer society, especially for foraging, and so easy to make that it would be strange if people were not using them tens of thousands of years ago.

However, people are talking about a specific kind of bag - a modern handbag.

If I was in the business, I'd be doing the same. Handbags can be fantastically overpriced and still sell. The markup on a handbag can easily be an entire order of magnitude greater than on other bags. It therefore makes sense to try to extend the handbag market to men - you (generic) can potentially double the market for your most profitable products.

EDIT: Given all the blather about homosexuality and the responding blather about men being insecure in their sexuality, blah blah blah, I'll throw a spanner in the works. I'm bisexual. I have been known to parade around in lacy frippery and fishnets with high-heeled boots, strutting my stuff at some quite outrageous "gay"(*) clubs. I think that should establish my credentials as not being a man who "doth protest too much" about his heterosexuality. I don't care if some men wear handbags. I don't care if they're straight (unless I fancy them, in which case it's a disappointment, obviously) and don't assume that carrying a handbag necessarily indicates that a man is gay. I do, however, recognise an attempt to sell handbags to men and I can deduce the most likely reason why (profit).

* "gay" rather than gay because they weren't restricted to homosexual men, or homosexual people in general. I wouldn't go to a "no straights here" club, because I think it's discriminatory.
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I have a laptop bag that I lug around every single day which has a laptop, few sheets of paper, cheque/lodgement books, screwdriver + screw head kit, two 2.5" hard drives, 3 or 4 cables, few business cards, cleaning cloth, and a few other random things. Weighs a ton, it's a real man's bag and one I couldn't do without, not one of these non-functional arsetronaut accessory things.
Real men don't even need phones, if you need to speak to someone far away you bloody shout! You don't need keys because real men have a massive boulder which the roll across their cave entrance to act as a door, and finally real men don't need wallets because they don't need currency, they just take what they want!

Tbh real men don't need clothes let alone pockets!

So unless you walk everywhere butt naked yer a bummer!
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