Man destroys his own Lamborghini

Because the more you push to the extremes the more compromises you have to make _somewhere_.

This is true in almost all aspects of life, limiting the compromises closer to the extremes becomes a cost versus benefit exercise. Very few fields have the budgets to push the envelope on cost or the requirement of the benefit to even consider it.
I suppose all depends on economies of scale, I could afford to buy a banger for a grand and drive it repeatedly into a tree, I suppose you could call me a muppet for doing so but I would expect I'd enjoy it :p

same for this guy, just on a slightly more expensive scale

Money Money Money
Mission accomplished for him then, he got attention. Trouble is, what can Lamborghini do now? They can't fix his car anymore.
Stop hitting it and ******* HIT IT!

Sheesh, I want loud bangs and explosions. Fail at getting attention tbh.

These stunts don't bother me in the slightest, not my car, not my problem ;)
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