You could do some reading on the subject rather than making something up from your own nationalist beliefs. Which, by your own argument, would likely stem from your latent French feelings of inferiority.
What makes you think that the stereotyping of "France == surrender" only exists in Britain? You've access to the net. You should know better.
It does stem mainly from the collapse of France in 1940 and the collapse of the remains of the French empire after the war. Earlier on, prevailing British opinion of the French in military terms was very high. It would have been strange for it not to have been, given that England (and later Britain) and France were at war on and off for about 800 years and overall came out about even. That would obviously have to put opinion in military terms of both countries about even. Except to people who are so irrational that their views aren't internally consistent.
It is, of course, ignorant and unfair. All the European remains of empire collapsed after WW2 (or well before it in some cases, e.g. the Spanish empire). The French collapse in 1940 was a failure of politics and planning, not a military failure. Prior to WW2, France fought even more wars over the centuries than England did and won most of them and were famous for it.