Man raped his dying stepdaughter

18 Oct 2002
A man who raped his unconscious teenage stepdaughter as she lay dying from a head injury has been jailed for nine years at the High Court in Glasgow.

Sentencing Judge Lord Philip told George McKee, 50, he had committed an "appalling crime" which fills members of the public with "horror".

McKee admitted raping Kerry Muchan, 14, in her Paisley home on 23 July, 2005 while she was unconscious.

Drunken Kerry died soon after the rape from a head injury caused by a fall.

Lord Philip said: "Any sentence I impose has to reflect the revulsion and horror society feels at this kind of behaviour." ...

He was found in bed with his stepdaughter by a relative.

When paramedics arrived, they found a faint pulse.

However, she died later in the Royal Alexandra Hospital.

A postmortem examination revealed she was still alive when her stepdad raped her.

It found she had horrific injuries consistent with being raped with considerable force.

The court was told McKee and Kerry's mum Lorna Muchan had lived as man and wife and he treated the girl as his own.
Words fail me.
Spamalot said:
RANK. I'm not sure we should have treads like this. Some of our members are young and I don't think its good for them to read things like this. I know its on the BBC site but still.
Totally disagree, the world is not a safe place and if someone is old enough to use the internet unsupervised then they are old enough to read a news item on the BBC FFS. And if its on a news site then this forum can certainly comment upon it.

BTW have you seen whats debated in SC?

Edit: Pretending that horrible sex attacks don't occur really worked well for the kiddie fiddling priests.
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andy8271 said:
bet thats what he told the court so he only got 9 years :mad:
No. He was found guilty and I've been told that 9 years is near the top end of the tariff for rape.
fatiain said:
Every day my faith in humanity is chipped away a little more :(
The story is actually worse than the BBC article indicates. He was interrupted by the sister, she attacked him. She was subsequently charged with her sisters murder and assaulting the man, it was only later that the true story was realised by plod.

A better article on what happened here. Sisters arrest here.
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fozzybear said:
A better article? It says her injuries were caused by a series of falls. Am i missing something here? :confused:
The BBCi article on the front page also says she died from a fall and George McKee was NOT convicted of murder, he was convicted of rape. So I'm not sure of what you're confused over?
Will Gill said:
he will be dead within 9 months , either murdered or from suicide after being subjected to hell on earth ever single day
I so doubt it, he'll be released in what 5 years?
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