BeatMaster said:Armanic Black Code
Hugo Boss Energise
Davidoff Coolwater
Melm0 said:Diesel Green smells good
Scuzi said:I might go get a bottle of 2 stroke and smell like the good old days
I love that smell. Anyone want to start a new fragrance with me? Deux strok' Eau de Toilette?
You want to stroke what in the toilet?Scuzi said:I might go get a bottle of 2 stroke and smell like the good old days
I love that smell. Anyone want to start a new fragrance with me? Deux strok' Eau de Toilette?
bcjames said:On a little tangent, has anyone tried Tescos brand deoderant. It looks like Lynx, same style packaging, but is 60p~ versus £2~.
DJ Binks said:Joop when I am off to the pub, off out etc.
As an everyday etc one I just use Lynx Pulse
cheets64 said:
For summer
For winter