Manchester Museum (this can't be real, can it?)..

I don't disagree with what it's saying tbh. Yes we did collect primarily male specimens for museums for the exact reason it says, they were display pieces after all.

Where I take issue is the way it words it's sentences, yes they were mainly straight white blokes, because the women were raising kids and housekeeping. That's just the way things were back then, nothing wrong with that.

And as someone who deals with these people every single day of my working life, it is 100% serious. That would blend right in at my place of work, nobody would question a thing. Most of the staff have pride lanyards and their pronouns on a little pin, wearing what I like to call "charity shop chic".

Generally nice people, but you do get the odd one now and then.

I actually greeted one of them a lift the other day and it scorned, turned around and faced the lift wall for the duration of the ride. Who knew that "good morning" could make someone so disgusted in me :cry:
Where do you work? (Approximately!)
I actually greeted one of them a lift the other day and it scorned, turned around and faced the lift wall for the duration of the ride. Who knew that "good morning" could make someone so disgusted in me :cry:

Yeah that's just down right rude. Doesn't matter what your beliefs, gender, religion, sexual orientation are, if someone greets you it's just good manners to respond.
Do you think people are truly upset/offended by what is in the video? It seems to me people just like to be angry and upset nowadays, often because they are unhappy with their lives and use social media as an outlet.
Yeah that's just down right rude. Doesn't matter what your beliefs, gender, religion, sexual orientation are, if someone greets you it's just good manners to respond.

To be brutally honest I suspect a lot of them are on the spectrum, particularly the sciency types. Sometimes I greet them and they just freeze solid.

I had this at my last contract too - National Physical Laboratories in Teddington. A lot of the scientists were completely incapable of handling any social interactions whatsoever, to the point where they needed handlers to speak to us, and then to them. If I greeted them directly it threw them off completely, I'd be lying if I didn't say it was a little amusing. Must suck to be like that though.
Mate be careful, you are definitely going to get on some web crawler and you've given away so much personal info I'll be surprised a bot doesn't just pick you up.......
Do you think people are truly upset/offended by what is in the video? It seems to me people just like to be angry and upset nowadays, often because they are unhappy with their lives and use social media as an outlet.
Upset/offended? Not at all. Bemused and disheartened by? Absolutely.

Do you think people are truly upset/offended by what is in this thread? It seems to me people just like to be angry and upset nowadays, often because they are unhappy with their lives and use social media as an outlet.
Upset/offended? Not at all. Bemused and disheartened by? Absolutely.

Do you think people are truly upset/offended by what is in this thread? It seems to me people just like to be angry and upset nowadays, often because they are unhappy with their lives and use social media as an outlet.

From the OP:

OP said:
I don't for a minute actually think she believes a word she's saying, more that she's been brainwashed or coerced into spouting that utter nonsence.
Just look at the body language.

Now would be a good time for Mr Putin to start lobbing nukes at us.
It is interesting that we seem to have only collected and stuffed male specimens (lol at the person earlier in the thread that thought the Victorian's left the females because they carried the babies) and it is also interesting how the male is often drawn or placed higher in a dominant position when it isn’t always the case that the male is dominant. I also didn’t know you got intersex butterflies so that was interesting too not sure why people are getting bent out of shape over the video it is merely pointing out how differently things were done during a more male dominated time period hardly earth shattering stuff.

Oh and lol at all those that don’t seem to know what they mean by the ‘nuclear family’.
Stopped at 5 seconds. Don't need to listen to the rest to know it's complete drivel as soon as one of those things feels the need to mention pronouns.
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