i guess you missed
No, I was just so outraged at your milk faux-pas that I felt compelled to post and exclaim your inadequacy....
i guess you missed
Pfft call yourself a Yorkshireman Gilly? Yorkshire and Tea and like Torville and Dean.
It's about the only thing you can do right on t'other side of hills.
There's a time and a place for 'milk first' and it's quite simple...i can't stand 'milk first' people
This.i can't stand 'milk first' people
Can you also do one for spreading butter on my toast, Im not sure I have the angle of the knife perfected.
Someone once tried to explain to me it was from days gone past when bone china wasn't as durable as it is today and the hot tea would crack the glaze if there was no milk in the cup to quench the heat. That's gonads if ever I heard it.