Mario & sonic olympics

Played it for hours yesterday with a friend, next time I need more deodorant and my arms aching. :(

We unlocked all the events set half a dozen world records and then had to sit around for the stuidly long credits. :|
Think i am gonna pick this up for Christmas back at home.
This and Wii Sports should go down well :)

It was a choice between this an Rayman 2 but this seems to be getting the far more positive reviews (a shame that Rayman 2 seems to actually be worse than no. 1 as i was hoping it would make the improvements needed for it to be a very good party game).

Are there online leader boards for Mario & Sonic? If not, there should be! Competing for the world record across the world would be awesome.
The IGN review says you can only unlock things when playing single player, is that true? :(

IGN really didnt like the game :D

"Yep, it's time to take the game's own advice. Every half an hour, you see, a kiddie-friendly screen pops up with Toad sucking on a juice box and a sleepy looking Chao with the text "it's time to take a break." Patronising? Yes. Good advice? You bet. Just make sure it's a permanent one"

"I really am shocked at how little fun there was to be found in this package. As an indication of how lacklustre this is as a 'party' game, we actually wound up enjoying taking turns in single player more than we did playing multiplayer"

I will still pick it up for my wife for xmas, I think she will like it and be able to look past flawed controls they talk about.
It's a good game but it has the most ridiculous save system ever... it saves the game depending on what mode you have your TV set at.

So if I'm playing the game on my TV over component using the EDTV setting I can't access anything I've completed when I take the Wii elsewhere where it is connected at 50hz PAL. Somebody needs to be shot for making that decision.
It's a good game but it has the most ridiculous save system ever... it saves the game depending on what mode you have your TV set at.

So if I'm playing the game on my TV over component using the EDTV setting I can't access anything I've completed when I take the Wii elsewhere where it is connected at 50hz PAL. Somebody needs to be shot for making that decision.

Didn't know that!!!! that is madness!!!

Liking this game, not sure whether to look up an online list of what I need to do to unlock more games. I'm thinking the more I unlock the more i'll play it so might as well.... :)
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