Mark Knofler

18 Oct 2002
Somewhere in the middle.
After listening to lots of Dire Straits and his solo stuff ive concluded that this guy is a legend!. My knowledge on guitarists is ZERO, i know nothing technical or who is the best skilled but surely Mark K is one of the best guitarists ever?

i watched this video (the sound sucks a bit) straits

Thats Sultans of Swing with Eric Clapton playing Rythmn by the look of it, around 5 mins in he improvises the classic solo from the song and its just amazing :)

Maybe im easily impressed but anyone care to comment?
One of the few groups to have a permenant place on my MP3 player. :D
Some truly classic songs.

Although - Knopfler with hair.. :eek:

He does have an odd playing style though. More classical than rock tbh.

Looks like Clapton is playing one of his Fender signiture Strats. Lovely guitars. Wish I still had mine now.

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Why Aye Man is one of my favourite Knopfler tracks, haven't heard that much of his solo stuff though. Might have to seek some out.
There is a very good version of Sultans of Swing on the Alchemy album. It has a similiar guitar solo.

I listened to Dire Straits constantly when I was younger, not so much now.
Belmit said:
Why Aye Man is one of my favourite Knopfler tracks, haven't heard that much of his solo stuff though. Might have to seek some out.

Do you like Country?

Thats all I've heard him do in his solo stuff. :eek:
Flibster said:
Do you like Country?

Thats all I've heard him do in his solo stuff. :eek:

Maybe I won't seek it out then! I do wonder sometimes why, as a clearly skilled guitarist, he didn't just rock out every now and again. I like playing crisp, clear, melodic tunes but sometimes you just have to throw some distorted power chords in there. :cool:
Belmit said:
Maybe I won't seek it out then! I do wonder sometimes why, as a clearly skilled guitarist, he didn't just rock out every now and again. I like playing crisp, clear, melodic tunes but sometimes you just have to throw some distorted power chords in there. :cool:

I haven't heard all his solo stuff - but the few bits I have heard is definately country

Could be that there is a bit of rock in there as well..
A truely excellent guitarist. Got most if not all of the Dire Straits albums. Got my first from my dad actually. He had Brothers In Arms and didn't like it. He said it was said to be one of the best albums ever but he couldn't see why it was and gave me the CD. N00b. Hah!

I absolutely love Calling Elvis, it is such a brilliant song and really gets me going.
Yeah I like Mark's playing (and songwriting) - it's very tasteful and his tone is always great. The important thing is you can immediately tell it's him (as with all great musicians).

.. And Flibster... one of EC's two original Pewter examples ;)
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