Mark Rein say no to Serial content and No to Intel IGP.

i hate it when they say 256mb required...

the sort of person who'll think, "i'll get a 512mb 6200, that is twice the requirement" ... when clearly it is nowhere near good enough :mad:

they should state : xxxx 3dmarks, or come up with some sort of standard MS benchmark suite to rate performance... same thing with "2ghz cpu" ... a 2ghz A64 pwns a 2ghz Celeron, but people see 2.2ghz Celeron cheaper so go buy it :/
I wasn't suggesting that the 360 or PS3 are better than a £800 computer in terms of gaming, simply that to a casual gamer it would seem to be a better deal (and to be fair in 5 years that computer system isn’t going to be playing any games on any settings unless you sink a whole heap more money into it).

EDIT: I seem to be drifting off topic here, sorry.
yea if i think pc gaming should have a set of universal benchmarks, based on graphics, cpu , memory etc. Basically E-A ratings allowing people to easily judge if they can run something
Ender said:
yea if i think pc gaming should have a set of universal benchmarks, based on graphics, cpu , memory etc. Basically E-A ratings allowing people to easily judge if they can run something

Microsoft is looking to introduce a system like this as part of vista and their games for windows promotion:

I agree this will help a lot as min specs on games now make no sense to the average user and are overly vague.
Your system is among the top 15% of all systems scanned by the Game Advisor.

Display Card ATI RADEON 8500 Series



Bring it on, apparently Iam good to go on FEAR, etc

The minimum spec for BF2 is listed as 256meg, I have twice that but I cant play with lowest settings on 16 player sized map without it paging to disk all through the game. Its not very enjoyable even if technically it does run it, I dont place much faith in this automated guide since it doesnt judge recommended or maximum specs at all
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