Oh god, reached the end, what a god-awful, boring, drawn-out piece of garbage. I haven't seen something in quite some time that is this slow and badly paced, I dread to think how much worse it would have been at 8 episodes. Even with all the cutting down, it felt like it was 3 episodes worth of story dragged out to 5.
So many parts were so lame and downright cringe that I almost felt shame on their behalf that the Choctaw Nation would allow themselves to be attached to this project. I'm sure the hefty donation by Disney to the Chahta Foundation Fund greased those wheels, I guess almost anyone's endorsement can be bought.
The only two parts that I liked were the Daredevil fight (which was only one scene at the beginning) and the flashback to the past at the beginning of episode 2. I would watch a series set solely in the past about what Native Americans lived like 3000 years ago.
The fight scenes apart from the aforementioned first one were badly edited, flashing the previous "ancestors" while fighting killed the momentum and flow of the fight and made it headache inducing. Echo is a Mary Sioux!
The conclusion of the last episode was by far the worst. The resolution is ridiculous and it's a pity Vincent D'Onofrio is quickly burning through all the goodwill and undoing all the wonderful work built up through the Netflix Daredevil show. I implore anyone who is sitting on the fence about watching this. Don't. Save yourself