I used..
Thanks for the reminder Zola, I think that's who I used originally but I thought they ended up squished??:D must be a memory glitch:o:D


In general the early reviews based on an unfinished build seem very positive:cool::D

Apparently it is a huge game with the ambiguity of choice (no Renegade/Paragon) adding to the immersion:cool:

An early review did mention some dodgy animations especially Sara's expressions. hopefully the final build will have corrected this:)
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I believe it's a) you need to send a tech expert, b) they need to be loyal and c) you need to do it in time. There's a flow chart somewhere on the Internet detailing the relevant decisions which mean that people live or die.

Thanks SiD, I'll have a look:) I hadn't really thought how long ago it was I last played ME2:eek: I've just been endorsing all the stores on the Citadel and telling the reporter to do one!!:mad::D

Really looking forward to Andromeda just need to avoid spoilers:)
BTW this was the chart I used:

I more or less remember the Collector base selection grouping.

Thanks guys, loving ME2 all over again:)

IGN preview:

No Spoilers as such but if you don't want to know anything then don't click!:p

In summary after watching this I'm even more excited:cool:

1: Diverse environments that feel unique.

2: Immersive crafting.

3: Immersive sound scape.

4: Star map looks awesome.

5: Jet pack fun...

New video up on masseffect.com part 5 for weapons training. FYI it randomly pauses on the different weapons, Annoyed the hell out of me when I was watching.

I thought I'd been inadvertently clicking the mouse initially:o:D

From what I have seen thus far, I am impressed with how this looks. Pretty sure I will pick this up on day one.

Hmmm. Concerned about the "rumored" day 1 patch being needed ...

At this point, I'm going to agree, but knowing me. Being a ME fan, I'll cave in a week before launch... I was even debating taking a couple of days off to play it.

I think this new vid from Minius will help guide you to purchase guys:cool:

1: Bigger than the original trilogy combined...

2: Thousands of possible power combinations...

3: Possibly loot from the fallen...

4: Drack is ancient ( some more insight into the world of the Krogan before the Genophage?)...

5: Biotic and Tech combos with squad more controllable than we'd feared...

Hype, Hype Hype...:cool::D
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I know that Bioware have said they don't want Andromeda to have any direct links with ME1-3, but I can see "passing comments" about communications that were just received during Andromeda 2 or 3 where it might reference the Reaper War that could take from the ME1-3 saves. I hope not, but there's a nagging feeling for me as I worry some players might make a commotion about it not being "Mass Effect" and cause Bioware to sneak something in for "Loyal" players of the whole series. Again, I hope not.

My only real concern now is back to XBox (One for the whole series, including ME1-3 and DLC) or start anew on PC (where my GPU may not be enough)? I "have" been convinved to go Day 1 now. :) So just a matter of platform really. :D

I'm going PC for first run:)

I'm replaying via backwards compatibility and enjoying every minute. I'm not sure EA would want Andromeda tied to prior ME titles because of the fan base expectations, but I'd love it if they connected back to the milky way:cool:

Imagine an epic intervention just prior to Star Brat (I know it would involve time travel etc:o but it could be epic! ...really it could!!!!:o:D:cool:)
Spoilers ahead, but if you skip to the 2/3 minute mark you should miss them...

I'm going to avoid ME:A news until I've played it now. I found DA:I pre release info did taint my initial impression so this time I want to make my own mind up.

I've pre-ordered so just 20 days or so to wait:cool:

As I've said I've been replaying ME:1/2... and hopefully 3 before launch to get in the SCI-FI mood. If you've got time I recommend it, even with the generally agreed miss steps it really is a masterpiece as a whole IMHO:)

Have fun guys see you in Andromeda!!! (Multiplayer of course!:o:D)
Still trying to avoid spoilers:o but just wanted to agree with those whom enjoyed ME3 MP.

I've just started my ME3 REPLAY (which seems to run much better via backwards compatibility? everything seems smoother? any one else found this or am I imagining it?:confused::o)

I haven't played the MP for years but thought I'd try it again and have really enjoyed it so the pre order will be worth it for me if ME:A MP is a more polished form of ME3 MP:cool:

I have hope that once ME:A launches a lot of the concerns will be eased but I really think it will come down to our own expectations.:)
reckon its better to upgrade powers with damage bonuses against armour or shields?

e.g. concussive shot level 6 can either choose + 40% damage against armour OR +40% damage against shields.

Im unsure which will become more advantageous throughout the game.

I always opt for Armour to help during higher rate enemy fights:)

Andromeda has really split opinion, but I really enjoyed the game even though I agree with a lot of the critical opinions, the first patch really helped and I think there's another due.

As with DA:I the open worlds were a blessing and a curse and I think the lack of urgency or peril was a little jarring coming from the original threat in ME1,2,3 always aware the threat from the reapers was increasing.

Lots of threads have been left without answers ie: who bumped off Garson!!!:eek: who is the Benefactor??? etc hopefully the answers will come in the form of D.L.C.

Over the past four months I replayed the original trilogy and then Andromeda, enjoying the little additions which linked us back to the Milky Way.

I think the ground work is there but hope a sequel will not be put in jeopardy by holding too much back:(

Andromeda is a stunning visual experience but feels as if it needed some more time to polish that and translate it to a whole one. As a fan I loved it regardless but I know others will not be forgiving:(:)
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