Mass Effect - educate me.

1 Jul 2015
Over There
Hi, a friend of mine has been pestering me to play the Mass Effect trilogy for a few years now, and now I have a bit of spare time I thought I'd give them a go. I like good, engrossing story lines with interesting characters.

So, worth a look, and what to expect?

I'll be playing on a 17" laptop with the following specs:

GT630M (1600x900)

I presume the series will run fine on this?
Yes, it's well worth a try - from my POV the best series of its time.

You'll be fine to start off with, not sure if the third one might be a bit too demanding but they're really not that fussy.
First 2 will run fine on that spec but 3rd one might struggle - I know I had to turn down a few settings when I tried to play it on my laptop that has the GTX675m - though I was trying to run it on a fair bit higher resolution.

Great storylines and they can be really engrossing games but the mechanics aren't the most intuitive to pickup at first in the first game but not a problem once you get your head around it.
I like good, engrossing story lines with interesting characters.?

Then Mass Effect is PERFECT for you. You will love it. The first one is a bit dated graphically, and mechanically, but once you get into it, it is amazing. The music and story are insanely good. Please overlook the controls (they seem bad to start with, but you get used to it) but trust me the game is so good you'll wonder why you've never played it before now...
Going against what will probably be the consensus here but I find the series massively overhyped.

I played them all but never felt like I was playing anything other than a very linear game with a few token choices that ultimately ended up in one of a few endings. Found the whole commander shepherd storyline prerty contrived and predictable.

Don't get me wrong they were enjoyable enough for a play through - particularly if cheap, but I didn't find the engrossing, immersive kind of game the series is constantly billed as.
I don't mind turning settings down either really, heck I've been putting some hours into GTAV with most things turned down, and it's perfectly playable and still looks reasonable enough.
To be honest I would play the first one and forget the rest. There dumbed down and rather rubbish compared to the first one.
Since I share a last name with the protagonist I might be a bit biased in how much I liked the game. It was VERY immersive with that in play and everyone calling me verbally by my last name! :D
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To be honest I would play the first one and forget the rest. There dumbed down and rather rubbish compared to the first one.

The second one with the lair of the shadow broker DLC added in has some great moments - though the dumbing down does ruin it a bit - most of the DLC is pretty forgettable but the lair of the shadow broker DLC is a bit unique in that as well as having a bunch of extra missions attached it also interweaves into the rest of the game giving it a bit more substance which it really should have had from the start.
ME runs on the Unreal engine, which isn't all that demanding. At times it looks pathetically bad, but others it is very beautiful and atmospheric.
To be honest I would play the first one and forget the rest. There dumbed down and rather rubbish compared to the first one.
I feel that for example streamlining the clumsy inventory management is just for the benefit of the later parts of the game. For me ME1-3 are about everything else than the shooting and fighting and these "deep" inventories and swapping of ammunitions and extra bits and pieces of weapons and min-maxing of character development just get in the way of experiencing the world, atmosphere and story. Those choices add very little to the experience and mostly distract from the things that matter.

And normally I'm one of those people who uses excel to solve optimal sets of gear & skills for games...

Biggest problem with the series I see is that you are often given the chance be a psycho-sadist or fairy goodmother. There is no option of being selfish without being absolutely evil being enjoying torture. Where is my chaotic good?

Most of the time npc-characters are such that i don't care too much. Or maybe i do, but my priorities are clear -> i need their medi-gel of which they'd better hand me voluntarely 80% after i've saved their asses. Instead the options are "nuke the village and loot everything" or "ask nothing but some hugs and kisses in return of saving them". Thid unfortunately takes away the moral choice, making it a choice between good and evil instead of choice between different good or different evil.

Well, this is a bit extreme view, as it does have some bit more "moral choices", but it is still very clearly b-class writing instead of the normal c-class or non-existent storytelling in computer games. And this should be read as a praise. Games with better writing are genersllu very few and far in between.

For anyone who wants pixel perfect, precise and good shooting feel don't necessarily need to bother. But for those that like to have decent reasons for shooting might want to look more carefully towards Mass Effect.
I found ME1 a bit clunky TBH but I played it on the Xbox 360 and played 2 and 3 on the PC. If anything ME1 has a fairly large RPG style slant with a lot of stats management etc. which gradually got dumbed down as the games went on leaving 3 as much more of an action/RPG than 1 & 2. I found 2 a bit 'Go here, do this for your squad mate so they trust you' but I found 3 absolutely brilliant and don't stress too much about the ending to 3. It's not that bad. They made a rod for their own back with all the choices built in and no way could they have written something to appease everyone.

ME3 Multiplayer can be fun too.

ME3 Trilogy was £14.99 on the Origin sale last week but is back up to £30 now.

Oh yes, play Femshep. Far more interesting. I have no idea who that dude they keep putting on the cover is.
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I never got into em. Got all 3 but only played 1 to a degree. At the end of the day i was sick of the rpg aspect of leveling up ur team as i had no idea what i was doing it wasn't very intuitive and the team play and fighting was a bit weird for me. Apart from them issue for me the game looked like it was done pretty well. I just wish i could have got over them few issues. Wish i could have got into em i think i might have enjoyed em.
Going against what will probably be the consensus here but I find the series massively overhyped.

I played them all but never felt like I was playing anything other than a very linear game with a few token choices that ultimately ended up in one of a few endings. Found the whole commander shepherd storyline prerty contrived and predictable.

Don't get me wrong they were enjoyable enough for a play through - particularly if cheap, but I didn't find the engrossing, immersive kind of game the series is constantly billed as.

I'd agree with this, and it's interesting how the role-play elements were pretty much phased out as it went along and it became much more a linear shooting with some character choices thrown in along the way.

The best thing about it is the sci-fi storyline it spins out that you take part in, and the atmosphere that is generated around that. You do feel like you are playing a part in a great book/series, visiting all these places and being in the set pieces. I also often feel like the rpg elements are just filler between the story and the story is just filler between the shooting sections. And of course there is the "shag as many of your crew-mates as you can" mini-game.
Play it as though you are part of a story rather with the opportunity to influence it rather than fully shape it, you are watching through Shepard’s eyes rather than creating your own character.

They do have some flaws gameplay wise, the game (even ME3) is dated due to being rushed and being developed pre “next gen’ do show, and as the game's go on they were changed form a more 'RPG' based experience to a more generic progression based game BUT the character development, story and attachment you can get to them for me been unparalleled.

It will be harder for people playing the series now to get the same experience in my opinion, but if it hooks you then, for me, it’s quite frankly the best story and character development ever told in a computer game.

Oh and while it is a personal choice please do give Fem-Shep a go, Hale puts in a genuinely magnificent performance and for me really made the game. But defiantly play the series, whatever your choice.
Yup... the start can be very boring. Once you leave the station it starts getting good. I remember the searching for stuff on moons/planets (Was that ME2?) was pretty darn boring though.

The story as a whole? AWESOME. The ME1 finale as mentioned... fantastic... and what a song to end on.

The downsides of the game can be completely forgiven for the strong story, it really draws you in.
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