Mass Effect - educate me.

The ME story on the whole is the stuff of scifi legend - one of those things that gamers will be telling their kids about at some point due to the brilliant lore set out in the first game. Great characters bolster all of this along with some great music and humour. The other ME's are dumbed down but the protagonist's story is still continued right until the end... It is a great ride.

Agree about the ME1 finale song - it is brilliant and I listened to it a lot years after ME1 was over and done with.

Most of the DLC's for the game isn't all that BUT there is one particular DLC you want to grab - Mass Effect 3: Leviathan. It gives you a huge amount of lore about one particular race that you will be curious about.
I think the ME games are OK but they are terribly dated now. I installed ME3 because it was on offer on Origin and couldn't get over how bad it looked and it is only a couple of years old.

I spent some time downloading high res texture packs which helped a lot but it still felt lacking.

But if you can see past their dated visuals and repetetive gameplay, they have great stories and characters.

My main gripe across the series is the gameplay is very repetetive. Every combat map is exactly the same. Go through a door, kill the bad guys in that area then <insert short story section here, maybe a cutscene> then go through the next door and kill the bad guys. Rinse and repeat.

The levels are terribly linear and when coupled with the repetetive nature of the gameplay it does become a bit of a grind and I found myself just blasting through just to reach the next bit of story. You don't really need any of the special abilities either because you can happily blast your way through the games with an assault rifle and sniper rifle combo.

Such a shame because I feel they could have made huge leaps in gameplay through the series but they have effectively used the same tired forumla across the board. If you are looking for engrossing and engaging gameplay then the ME series are not for you. However if you are happy enough to shoot through the repetetive levels because you are interested in story and characters then the ME series is for you.

They are definitely story over all other content to be honest, and as long as you are cool with that then you won't be disappointed :)
To be honest I would play the first one and forget the rest. There dumbed down and rather rubbish compared to the first one.

But do you do that with every book you read? read the first chapter, then skip out all of the ending(sss)?

Why would you?

Having said that... as much as I love all three (must have 1500 hours in all three combined), I'm really nervous about Andromeda. Hope they don't EA-ify it too much...
Hi, a friend of mine has been pestering me to play the Mass Effect trilogy for a few years now, and now I have a bit of spare time I thought I'd give them a go. I like good, engrossing story lines with interesting characters.

So, worth a look, and what to expect?

I'll be playing on a 17" laptop with the following specs:

GT630M (1600x900)

I presume the series will run fine on this?

Story is great, but the game fundamentally breaks down to a romance simulator.
I rarely complete games and I finally sat down and couldn't stop playing ME1 and ME2 but I played ME3 and was like meh.... I've lost all my save files so cba starting ME3 as I would have lost the back story and stuff.
Loved them, the 2nd game was my favorite but the 3rd has some moments in the story where it'll bring you close to tears.
Pretty much the highlight of my adult gaming life, only topped by some things from my teens.

Is it perfect? No. Does it matter? No.
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